# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- Other/ainpc_kaifuku.wav
- Other/attribute_dragonlc.wav
- Other/attribute_electric.wav
- Other/attribute_fire.wav
- Other/attribute_ice.wav
- Other/attribute_water.wav
- Other/bacteria.wav
- Other/com_bomb_wat_hibana.wav
- Other/com_bomb_wat_tyakka.wav
- Other/com_utiage_grandVer2.wav
- Other/com_utiage_waterVer2.wav
- Other/com_wat_bomb11.wav
- Other/com_yougan.wav
- Other/ef_doku.wav
- Other/ef_doragon.wav
- Other/ef_doro_kaizyo.wav
- Other/ef_doro_water.wav
- Other/ef_honki_skill.wav
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- Other/ef_ice_yarare.wav
- Other/ef_kago.wav
- Other/ef_kemuri.wav
- Other/ef_mahi.wav
- Other/ef_otosimono.wav
- Other/ef_piyo.wav
- Other/ef_trapflash.wav
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- Other/ef_water_l3.wav
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- Other/ef_water_s.wav
- Other/ef_Water_s2.wav
- Other/ef_wat_moguri.wav
- Other/ef_yukidama_wareru.wav
- Other/gun_relord.wav
- Other/hit_em01.wav
- Other/hit_em02.wav
- Other/hit_gurd.wav
- Other/hit_head_piyori.wav
- Other/hit_kan.wav
- Other/hit_pl02.wav
- Other/hit_pl03.wav
- Other/hit_pl_wind_gurd.wav
- Other/hit_shinzaku.wav
- Other/hit_shinzaku_bow.wav
- Other/hit_tisibuki.wav
- Other/hit_zakulc.wav
- Other/item_bomb.wav
- Other/item_bomb_hibana.wav
- Other/item_bomb_tyakka.wav
- Other/item_hikaru.wav
- Other/item_kaifuku.wav
- Other/item_kemuribomb_fx.wav
- Other/item_kemuri_bomb.wav
- Other/item_otobakudan.wav
- Other/item_otobakudan_fL.wav
- Other/item_otobakudan_fR.wav
- Other/item_otobakudan_sL.wav
- Other/item_otobakudan_sR.wav
- Other/item_paintv8.wav
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- Other/item_trap.wav
- Other/item_trap_set.wav
- Other/otobakudan_water.wav
- Other/otobakudan_water_fL.wav
- Other/otobakudan_water_fR.wav
- Other/otobakudan_water_sL.wav
- Other/otobakudan_water_sR.wav
- Other/pl_boomeran.wav
- Other/pl_bukitogi.wav
- Other/pl_com_zyuuu.wav
- Other/pl_dosa_kai.wav
- Other/pl_egglost.wav
- Other/pl_gasagoso.wav
- Other/pl_hagieguru.wav
- Other/pl_hagikamae.wav
- Other/pl_hagisasu.wav
- Other/pl_hand_clap.wav
- Other/pl_haraheri.wav
- Other/pl_kamutaberu.wav
- Other/pl_kazekiri.wav
- Other/pl_musiamieq.wav
- Other/pl_nikuyakiki.wav
- Other/pl_nomu.wav
- Other/pl_oku2.wav
- Other/pl_rope_kisimi.wav
- Other/pl_sutyaeqe.wav
- Other/PL_taimatsu_loop1.wav
- Other/PL_taimatsu_loop2.wav
- Other/PL_taimatsu_loop3.wav
- Other/PL_taimatu_chakkaV1.wav
- Other/PL_taimatu_kaze.wav
- Other/PL_taimatu_tunagi.wav
- Other/pl_taorelc.wav
- Other/pl_tukamu.wav
- Other/pl_tunobue.wav
- Other/pl_turihashi.wav
- Other/pl_turizao_furu.wav
- Other/pl_turizao_kisimi.wav
- Other/pl_tyoudan.wav
- Other/pl_water_dash01.wav
- Other/pl_water_FT01.wav
- Other/pl_water_FT02.wav
- Other/pl_water_FT03.wav
- Other/pl_water_ikigireV2.wav
- Other/pl_water_move01.wav
- Other/pl_water_move02.wav
- Other/pl_water_sibire_kaiten.wav
- Other/pl_water_sibire_loop.wav
- Other/pl_water_whoosh.wav
- Other/pl_yokobue.wav
- Other/pl_zurizuri.wav
- Other/pl_zusa_lrg.wav
- Other/pl_zusa_sml.wav
- Other/se_flyby.wav
- Other/se_flyby_inwater.wav
- Other/water_awa01.wav
- Other/water_awa02.wav
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