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May you enjoy all of these new sounds!
Comments (1)
Posted by Petie - May 1, 2021 - 7:06 PM
Sorry, I couldn't think of anything more creative for the title so I went with a bad pun. Can you believe it's May already though? That means it's time for our monthly all-site update and for the first time in what feels like quite a while, it's actually happening on the first of the month. So, let's get to the reason you're really all here - the sounds.

Today's update brings well over 500 new sound packs to enjoy. A small sampling of those sounds includes a bunch from Dragon Ball FighterZ thanks to Demahu, a ton of Zoo Tycoon courtesy of mjmannella, and Gregory Horror Show making an appearance across two different categories brought to us by Lumpy Spirit. Of course, this sample is just a random selection of larger groups but there is plenty more to see (or hear, I should say) so be sure to check it out, find something you like, and enjoy this update and your weekend!

Also, sorry this update was so late today! We were all pretty busy and I'm only just now home and able to sit down to take care of this but you have a whole month to enjoy it so it could be worse, right?
Sounds in this update: 504 (Show Sounds)

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May 2, 2021, 6:25 AM
Thanks for the shoutout! And don't worry, I have plenty of more Zoo Tycoon sounds submitted for approval. Though it seems likely that they won't be up until after the server maintenance yeah?
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