Submitter Stats: senjen All Comments on Sounds RSS Feed
Sounds Submitted 41
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) Nintendo 64 (2 games)
Largest Console (by Sounds) Nintendo 64 (41 sounds)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Most Popular Sounds
1 Earthworm Jim 3D Earthworm Jim 6,824 hits
2 Rayman 2: The Great Escape Rayman 5,692 hits
3 Earthworm Jim 3D Earthworm Kim 2,353 hits
4 Earthworm Jim 3D Elvis 2,246 hits
5 Earthworm Jim 3D Ice Cream Truck (Man) 2,237 hits
6 Earthworm Jim 3D Alien Fish 2,214 hits
7 Earthworm Jim 3D Balloon 2,114 hits
8 Earthworm Jim 3D Bratty Bat 2,034 hits
9 Earthworm Jim 3D Gnoming Missile 2,014 hits
10 Earthworm Jim 3D Extra Life 2,010 hits
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