Submitter Stats: Silverfool64 All Comments on Sounds RSS Feed
Sounds Submitted 21
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) 3DS (1 game)
Largest Console (by Sounds) 3DS (21 sounds)
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1 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Angela 259 hits
2 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Sound Effects 181 hits
3 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Blue Knight Ozaki 140 hits
4 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Ruby 133 hits
5 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Charotte 119 hits
6 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Peridot 116 hits
7 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Sapphy 109 hits
8 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Io (Unused) 107 hits
9 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Diana 105 hits
10 Jewel Pet: Mahou de Oshare ni Dance Deco! (JPN) Garnet 105 hits
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