Submitter Stats: Segatendo All Comments on Sounds RSS Feed
Sounds Submitted 44
Games Submitted To 3
Largest Console (by Games) PC / Computer (3 games)
Largest Console (by Sounds) PC / Computer (44 sounds)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Most Popular Sounds
1 Worms Ultimate Mayhem Sound Effects 6,070 hits
2 Streets of Sim City Character Voices 3,413 hits
3 Streets of Sim City Ads 3,332 hits
4 Streets of Sim City Engines 3,279 hits
5 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Movement Sounds (Water) 3,100 hits
6 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Myst 2,855 hits
7 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Miscellaneous Sounds 2,795 hits
8 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (4 / 5) 2,751 hits
9 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Multi Worlds Sounds 2,717 hits
10 Uru: Ages Beyond Myst The Great Tree Pub (Watcher's Sanctuary) 2,714 hits
PC / Computer Sounds
Streets of Sim City Ads
Streets of Sim City Character Voices
Streets of Sim City Engines
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ae'gura
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ae'gura (Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (1 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (2 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (3 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (4 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Ahnonay (5 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Bahro Caves
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Bevin
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Cleft
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Cleft (Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Eder Gira
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Eder Kemo (1 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Eder Kemo (2 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Er'cana (1 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Er'cana (2 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Gahreesen (1 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Gahreesen (2 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst The Great Tree Pub (Watcher's Sanctuary)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Great Zero (Rezeero)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst K'veer
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst K'veer (French & German Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kadish Tolesa (1 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kadish Tolesa (2 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kadish Tolesa (3 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kadish Tolesa (4 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kadish Tolesa (5 / 5)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kemo
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kirel (French Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kirel (German Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Kirel (Sounds and English Voices)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Miscellaneous Sounds
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Movement Sounds
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Movement Sounds (Water)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Multi Worlds Sounds
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Myst
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Nexus
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Relto (1 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Relto (2 / 2)
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst Teledahn
Worms Ultimate Mayhem Sound Effects
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