Submitter Stats: BayuSumardi All Comments on Sounds RSS Feed
Sounds Submitted 8
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Genre (by Games) Action-Adventure (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Sounds) Action-Adventure (8 sounds)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contribution
Most Popular Sounds
1 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Grove Street Families 4,227 hits
2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Ballas 3,411 hits
3 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Footsteps 3,322 hits
4 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Da Nang Boys 1,606 hits
5 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Los Santos Vagos 1,606 hits
6 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Varrios Los Aztecas 1,441 hits
7 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Mountain Cloud Boys 1,372 hits
8 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas San Fierro Rifa 1,360 hits
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