# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- button sounds+percussion/1.wav
- button sounds+percussion/2.wav
- button sounds+percussion/3.wav
- button sounds+percussion/4.wav
- button sounds+percussion/5.wav
- button sounds+percussion/6.wav
- button sounds+percussion/7.wav
- button sounds+percussion/8.wav
- button sounds+percussion/9.wav
- button sounds+percussion/10.wav
- button sounds+percussion/11.wav
- button sounds+percussion/12.wav
- button sounds+percussion/13.wav
- button sounds+percussion/14.wav
- button sounds+percussion/15.wav
- button sounds+percussion/16.wav
- button sounds+percussion/17.wav
- button sounds+percussion/18.wav
- button sounds+percussion/19.wav
- button sounds+percussion/20.wav
- button sounds+percussion/21.wav
- button sounds+percussion/22.wav
- button sounds+percussion/23.wav
- button sounds+percussion/24.wav
- button sounds+percussion/25.wav
- button sounds+percussion/26.wav
- button sounds+percussion/27.wav
- button sounds+percussion/28.wav
- button sounds+percussion/29.wav
- button sounds+percussion/30.wav
- button sounds+percussion/31.wav
- button sounds+percussion/32.wav
- button sounds+percussion/33.wav
- button sounds+percussion/34.wav
- button sounds+percussion/35.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_05_01.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_05_02.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_06_01.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_06_02.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_07_01.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_07_02.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_08_01.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_08_02.wav
- footstep sounds/se_ev_14.wav
- menu sounds/menu change.wav
- menu sounds/menu cursor move (except this time there's three of them and it's slightly louder).wav
- menu sounds/menu cursor move.wav
- menu sounds/menu option select.wav
- menu sounds/module change 1.wav
- menu sounds/module change 2.wav
- menu sounds/pop-up close.wav
- menu sounds/result (clear).wav
- menu sounds/result (not clear).wav
- menu sounds/score tally.wav
- menu sounds/se_sy_00.wav
- menu sounds/se_sy_24.wav
- menu sounds/song selection teleport.wav
- menu sounds/unavailable.wav
- misc other voice clips/(len) hey.wav
- misc other voice clips/(len) yo).wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) laugh.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) sad.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) sona.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) thank you for playing!.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) uu.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) yay.wav
- misc other voice clips/(miku) yo.wav
- misc other voice clips/(rin) wan.wav
- misc other voice clips/(rin) yo.wav
- other sounds/camera.wav
- other sounds/clap.wav
- other sounds/click.wav
- other sounds/kick.wav
- other sounds/mr_0100000.wav
- other sounds/se_ev_01.wav
- other sounds/se_ev_17.wav
- other sounds/se_ev_20.wav
- other sounds/se_sy_09.wav
- other sounds/se_sy_15.wav
- other sounds/se_sy_18.wav
- other sounds/sonar beeps 1.wav
- other sounds/sonar beeps 2.wav
- readme.txt
- result voice clips/len/cheap.wav
- result voice clips/len/great.wav
- result voice clips/len/missXtake.wav
- result voice clips/len/perfect.wav
- result voice clips/len/standard.wav
- result voice clips/miku/cheap.wav
- result voice clips/miku/great.wav
- result voice clips/miku/missXtake.wav
- result voice clips/miku/perfect.wav
- result voice clips/miku/standard.wav
- result voice clips/rin/cheap.wav
- result voice clips/rin/great.wav
- result voice clips/rin/missXtake.wav
- result voice clips/rin/perfect.wav
- result voice clips/rin/standard.wav
- sega voice clips/sega (chorus).wav
- sega voice clips/sega (shout).wav
- sega voice clips/sega (solo).wav

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