# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- Johnny Cage/sfx/baby_crayon.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/baby_fall.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/baby_paper_out.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/baby_throw.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/baby_write.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_impact01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_impact02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_impact03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_roll01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_roll02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/ball_shot01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/block01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/block02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/charge.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/charge_hit_lg01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/charge_hit_lg02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/charge_hit_sm01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/charge_hit_sm02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/chrg_punch01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/chrg_punch_sm02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/double_flip.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/double_punch.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat2_ding.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat2_fall.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat2_hit02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat2_split.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_grab.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_head_land.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_parts_land.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_punch.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_squirt.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_tear.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/fat_throw_down.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/flip01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/flip02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/flip03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/flip_special01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/flip_special02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/groin_punch01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/groin_punch02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/intro_slide.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/slide_kick02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/slide_special.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/slime_empty.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/vict_ding.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/vict_glasses.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/vict_glasses_on.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/vict_glasses_out.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/xray_dbl_nut.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/xray_hit01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/xray_hit02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/sfx/xray_jump.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/andaction01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/andcut01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit04.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit_med01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit_med02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit_med03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_hit_med04.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_kick01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_kick02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/atk_kick03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/autographs01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/award01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/baby_happy01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/baby_throw01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/baby_write01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/blasted01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/blasted02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/bod_land_hard01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/bod_land_hard02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/bod_land_med01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/bod_land_med02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/burning01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/burning02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/cmon01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/damnimgood01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/death01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/death_sh01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/death_sh02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/donthate01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/falling01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/falling_in01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/falling_tag01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/getup01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/getup02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/gonnagetcaged01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grab01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grab02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grab03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grapple01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grapple02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/grapple03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hereitcomes01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_hard01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_hard02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_hard03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_hard04.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med04.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med05.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_face_med06.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_hard01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_hard02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_hard03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_med01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_med02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_gut_med03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_leg01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_leg02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/hit_leg03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/intro.wav
- Johnny Cage/vo/jcage01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/jump01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/jump02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/jump03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/land01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/land02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/laugh01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/moneyshot01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/no01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/ohyeah01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/retching01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/retching02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/spatk01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/spatk02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/spatk03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/spatk_sh01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/stabbed01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/stabbed02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/stabbed03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/stabbed_tag01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tag_out01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tag_out02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tag_out03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/throw01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/throw02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/throw03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/thrown01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/thrown02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/thrown03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tripped01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tripped02.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/tripped03.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/victory01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/watchthis01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/windup_long01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/windup_short01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/yagotcaged01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/zapped01.mp3
- Johnny Cage/vo/zapped02.mp3
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