# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- attack_spec_t2.wav
- attack_spec_t2_loop.wav
- boss_servo_01.wav
- boss_servo_02.wav
- boss_step_01.wav
- boss_step_02.wav
- critter_1.wav
- critter_2.wav
- critter_attack.wav
- crumpet_attack_1.wav
- crumpet_attack_2.wav
- crumpet_growl.wav
- crumpet_growl_1.wav
- crumpet_growl_2.wav
- crumpet_grunt.wav
- crumpet_look.wav
- crumpet_step_l.wav
- crumpet_step_r.wav
- defender_attack.wav
- defender_fstep_1.wav
- defender_fstep_2.wav
- defender_move_1.wav
- defender_move_2.wav
- defender_pain_1.wav
- defender_pain_2.wav
- defender_pain_3.wav
- defender_strike.wav
- fungus_poof.wav
- hm_big_growl.wav
- hm_death.wav
- hm_fstep01.wav
- hm_fstep02.wav
- hm_impact.wav
- hm_short_growl.wav
- hm_short_growl2.wav
- hm_snort.wav
- laser_charge.wav
- laser_loop.wav
- laser_spark_loop.wav
- laser_start.wav
- laser_wall_start.wav
- lummox_breathe_in.wav
- lummox_breathe_out.wav
- lummox_fstep_1.wav
- lummox_fstep_2.wav
- lummox_impact_1.wav
- lummox_vox_1.wav
- lummox_vox_2.wav
- lummox_vox_3.wav
- lummox_vox_4.wav
- mech_gun_out.wav
- mech_laser_1.wav
- mech_laser_2.wav
- mech_move_loop.wav
- metal_clang.wav
- missile_explosion.wav
- missile_impact.wav
- missile_rocket_loop.wav
- missile_target.wav
- missle_fire.wav
- robo_crash.wav
- robo_explode.wav
- robo_fire.wav
- robo_long_1.wav
- robo_long_2.wav
- robo_move_loop.wav
- robo_servo1.wav
- robo_servo2.wav
- robo_shield_down.wav
- robo_short_1.wav
- robo_short_2.wav
- scrutters_step_1.wav
- scrutters_step_2.wav
- scrutters_step_3.wav
- scrutters_step_4.wav
- scrutter_attack.wav
- scrutter_loop.wav
- scrutter_spawn.wav
- scrut_spawner_destroy.wav
- shield_loop.wav
- shield_one_shot_1.wav
- shield_one_shot_2.wav
- shield_one_shot_3.wav
- shield_one_shot_4.wav
- shield_one_shot_5.wav
- shield_one_shot_6.wav
- shield_one_shot_7.wav
- ship_part_destroy.wav
- spectral_attack_1.wav
- spectral_attack_3.wav
- spectral_chase_1.wav
- spectral_chase_3.wav
- spectral_move_1.wav
- spectral_move_2.wav
- spec_spit_attack_loop.wav
- spec_spit_attack_start.wav
- spinner_grind_loop.wav
- sr_spectralpuff.wav
- sr_spectralpuff_charge.wav
- s_dropship_loop.wav
- s_missile_armed_loop.wav
- s_rocket_loop.wav
- s_ship_fly_loop.wav
- s_spinner_loop.wav
- tank_fire.wav
- tank_get_hit.wav
- tank_missile_explode_1.wav
- tank_missile_explode_2.wav
- tocman_dummy_down.wav
- tocman_dummy_up.wav
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