# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- (ahem) I presume this is your doing, yes.wav
- (sigh).wav
- (Snorting).wav
- (yawn) It's hard work trying to keep mama happy every day.wav
- Aaaand Safe.wav
- Ah, how nice to see you - and what can I do for y... HUH.wav
- Ah yes, just recently she slipped on a banana peel that James left lying around.wav
- All that awaits you behind that light is the torment of your own reality.wav
- All that awaits you when you quit this game is the torment of reality.wav
- And when that happens, it's up to me to light the fire again.wav
- And who could that be.wav
- As the manager of this hotel, I simply can not allow you to have that key.wav
- Augh.wav
- AUUUGH.wav
- A word of warning, for your own safety please stay away from that cat in the next room.wav
- But even so... (humph).wav
- But where might you be going.wav
- By opening the doors to the room on the first floor.wav
- Can I help you with anything.wav
- Catherine you say.wav
- Chef stops moving when the fire on his head goes out.wav
- Come along Chef, we're going.wav
- DOHHHH.wav
- Do you really think escaping from here will make you happy.wav
- Do you really think quitting this game will make you happy.wav
- Going... to fall... apart.wav
- Good day, and how are we doing - I'm dreadfully sorry about all this.wav
- Gregory Horror Show, Soul Collector... hehehe.wav
- Hehehe 1.wav
- Hehehe 2.wav
- Hehehe 3.wav
- Hehehe 4.wav
- Hehehe 5.wav
- Hehehe 6.wav
- Hello.wav
- Hello annoyed 1.wav
- Hello annoyed 2.wav
- Hello happy 1.wav
- Hello happy 2.wav
- He was once a beautiful creature with fine silky fur.wav
- Hmmm.wav
- How many times do I have to tell him not to come in here.wav
- Huh, nothing happened.wav
- Huuuh.wav
- Hyup hup.wav
- I'd better start getting ready to recieve the new guest.wav
- I'll have this creature disposed of right away.wav
- I'm afraid it's no use.wav
- I'm sure a little reading will make all of your worries melt away.wav
- I'm the one who has to clean up all of your messes.wav
- I am Gregory, the manager of this establishment, pleased to make your acquaintance.wav
- If I may ask, what are you doing.wav
- If there's anything you desire, please don't hesitate to ask me.wav
- If you're looking for such a book, I suggest you try the first floor library.wav
- I must ask you to refrain from stepping behind the counter.wav
- In the future, would you be so kind as to refrain from teasing Chef.wav
- I really didn't want to unlock this door, but.wav
- I say, your face looks awfully pale - Please, go back to your room and rest.wav
- I see, you certainly are the reserved sort.wav
- It's no use, give it up.wav
- It's no use trying to escape from this place 1.wav
- It's no use trying to escape from this place 2.wav
- It's no use trying to quit this game.wav
- It's the guest's fault that I get yelled at every day.wav
- It couldn't be.wav
- It would be wise not to make too much of a fuss.wav
- I wish you a pleasant stay... for all eternity.wav
- I won't be beaten.wav
- James, you nasty child - stop throwing your garbage on the floor.wav
- Little hehehe 1.wav
- Little hehehe 2.wav
- Little hehehe 3.wav
- Little hehehe 4.wav
- Little hehehe 5.wav
- Mama will have herself a new victim soon enough.wav
- Moving right along.wav
- No, please, come back.wav
- NOTE.txt
- Not this piece of (ahem) this book.wav
- Now then....wav
- Now to get ready to recieve the new guests.wav
- Oh, what a horrible thing.wav
- Oh dear, oh dear.wav
- Oh dear, the fire on his head's gone out again.wav
- Oh no.wav
- Oh nooooo.wav
- Ow.wav
- Pardon me.wav
- Please, come again.wav
- Please, don't come any closer.wav
- Please, don't do that anymore.wav
- Please, don't do this (ending line).wav
- Please, don't do this.wav
- Please, pull yourself together.wav
- Please be careful that you don't do the same, otherwise you might slip and end up dropping something important.wav
- Please come again, hehehe.wav
- Please come back, if you go any farther the game will be over.wav
- Please come back, there's nothing out there but cold, harsh reality.wav
- Safe.wav
- Screaming 1.wav
- Screaming 2.wav
- Sigh, gone already.wav
- Since then, he's been a nasty beast that attacks anyone who draws near.wav
- Someone sewed everything shut - eyes, mouth, ears.wav
- Stop that.wav
- That dark night when you came to us, have you forgotten it already.wav
- That day you first played this game, have you forgotten it already.wav
- That takes care of the cleaning on the second floor.wav
- The cat that inhabits that room is the last remnant of a family that once caused us a great deal of trouble - a most dangerous cat indeed.wav
- The endless suffering of reality awaits you if you leave 1.wav
- The endless suffering of reality awaits you if you leave 2.wav
- The fun's just getting started.wav
- The key to the room next door.wav
- Then, one stormy night long ago.wav
- There's nothing for you out there.wav
- This is quite serious, I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate it.wav
- This is the game of hell, you'd better be ready.wav
- Trying to escape from here will get you nowhere.wav
- Ugh, what a pain in the....wav
- W-where did you find... that book.wav
- Watch yourself, now.wav
- Welcome, welcome.wav
- Welcome to Gregory House.wav
- Welcome to Gregory Shop.wav
- Well then, I guess it's about time I made the rounds of the hotel.wav
- Well then.wav
- What's this.wav
- What a terrible bother.wav
- What if someone stepped on it and had an accident.wav
- Where are YOU going, no you mustn't.wav
- Where is that brat - JAAAAAAMES.wav
- Whew, what a day.wav
- Who would you like to hear about.wav
- Y'know, I think you should read something more tasteful.wav
- You don't say - You found it in Catherine's room.wav
- [STEREO] I'll keep your room ready for your return.wav
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