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Zip Contents

- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/1Hawww, Couldn't Keep Up.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/2That Was Pretty Fun!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/3That Beats Riding A Slowpoke Ferris Wheel Anyday.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/4Liiittle Rough, But That Was My Kind Of Ride!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/5Nooow It's A ShipWRECK Adventure Ride!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/6You Can't Beat Quality With Quantity.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/7Sorry! I Got Bored And Broke Your Robot.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/8Did I Go A Little Far This Time.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/9And Somehow, It Always Ends Like This.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/10And I Was Really Hoping For Some Decent Rides In This Place.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/11Huwhat, It's Over. That Was Fast!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/12Done Aand Done!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/13That Should Put A Stop To This Wisp Draining Insanity!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/14That Takes Care Of This Place!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/15Wuuaaaa!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/16Thanks For The Laid Back Space Walk Eggman!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/17Your Little Party With Other People's Planets Is Over!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/18Maybe The Nega Wisps Don't Like You Either Eggman! Guess I Win This Round.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Boss/19Sooorry Eggman, Looks Like The Wisps Have Sided With Me On This One!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/1Piece Of Cake!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/2Perfect!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/3Okay!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/4Got 'Em All!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/5It's Go Time!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/6Here We Go!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Map/7Let's Roll!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Read me for Context.txt
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/1Comin' Through!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/2Outta My Way!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/3Look Out!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/4Heads Up!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/5Make Way!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/6Watch Out!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/7Let's Do It!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/8Heyeah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/9Let's Do It!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/10Let's Do It.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/11Huah.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/12Hhuaa!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/13Hu.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/14Huh.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/15Haa.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/16Ha!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/17Woah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/18Huhah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/19Wua.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/20Wu.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/21Wuah.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/22Nnah.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/23Uh.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/24Uhuh.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/25Duah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/26Wuaa!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/27Waaa!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/28Duaah.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/29Huagh!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/30Huaagh!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/31Dua.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/32Eughh.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/33Dua!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/34Haha!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/35Yeah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/36Hehyeah!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/37Huup.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/38Hup!.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/39Hup.wav
- Sonic Colours Ultimate(Roger Smith)/Sound Effects/40Little Help.wav
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