# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- taunts/ahh-1.wav
- taunts/airpower-3.wav
- taunts/ask_resources-2.wav
- taunts/attack-3.wav
- taunts/berightthere-1.wav
- taunts/buildtroops-1.wav
- taunts/build_wonder-3.wav
- taunts/bwahaha-1.wav
- taunts/check-2.wav
- taunts/checkouttimer-2.wav
- taunts/city_down-1.wav
- taunts/classy-3.wav
- taunts/click_understand-2.wav
- taunts/color_blue-1.wav
- taunts/color_green-1.wav
- taunts/color_ltblue-1.wav
- taunts/color_orange-2.wav
- taunts/color_purple-2.wav
- taunts/color_red-1.wav
- taunts/color_white-3.wav
- taunts/color_yellow.wav
- taunts/coming-4.wav
- taunts/doomed-1.wav
- taunts/dude_pickem-1.wav
- taunts/fixed_problem-1.wav
- taunts/game_begin-3.wav
- taunts/getthat-3.wav
- taunts/get_em-2.wav
- taunts/get_outta-3.wav
- taunts/gonna_boom-2.wav
- taunts/gonna_rush-1.wav
- taunts/good_luck-1.wav
- taunts/gotchacovered-3.wav
- taunts/grab_territory-1.wav
- taunts/groovy-3.wav
- taunts/guard_artillery-2.wav
- taunts/help_here-3.wav
- taunts/humanity-3.wav
- taunts/itshallbedone-1.wav
- taunts/itson-1.wav
- taunts/keep_risin-1.wav
- taunts/leavemealone-2.wav
- taunts/maybe-2.wav
- taunts/means_war-3.wav
- taunts/move_troops-2.wav
- taunts/needknowledge-1.wav
- taunts/needoil-2.wav
- taunts/needtimber-2.wav
- taunts/needwealth-3.wav
- taunts/need_food-2.wav
- taunts/need_metal-1.wav
- taunts/need_that-3.wav
- taunts/no-2.wav
- taunts/noob_rush-1.wav
- taunts/notintheface-1.wav
- taunts/ohhh-4.wav
- taunts/onmyway-1.wav
- taunts/over_yet-4.wav
- taunts/owmyeye-1.wav
- taunts/parents_late-2.wav
- taunts/pay_die-1.wav
- taunts/prepare_crushed-1.wav
- taunts/randomrandom-2.wav
- taunts/randomrandom-4.wav
- taunts/rare_resources-3.wav
- taunts/rightonthat-2.wav
- taunts/send_help-1.wav
- taunts/setup_shop-2.wav
- taunts/ships_ahoy-3.wav
- taunts/signal_attack-3.wav
- taunts/slow_ahead-3.wav
- taunts/soundslikeaplan-2.wav
- taunts/spy_spy-3.wav
- taunts/stayout-1.wav
- taunts/stormin_castle-1.wav
- taunts/supposed_hurt-1.wav
- taunts/sweet-3.wav
- taunts/takencareof-3.wav
- taunts/talking_about-1.wav
- taunts/tutorials_noob-1.wav
- taunts/uhhh-2.wav
- taunts/uhh_uhh-1.wav
- taunts/unh-3.wav
- taunts/victoryismine-3.wav
- taunts/wake_done-1.wav
- taunts/wanna_ally-3.wav
- taunts/wanna_bet-2.wav
- taunts/wanna_peace-3.wav
- taunts/wanngiveup-2.wav
- taunts/what_holdup-2.wav
- taunts/when_attack-2.wav
- taunts/where_enemy-1.wav
- taunts/who_attack-3.wav
- taunts/works_out-1.wav
- taunts/work_airforce-2.wav
- taunts/work_econ-1.wav
- taunts/work_navy-3.wav
- taunts/yes-3.wav
- taunts/youdaman-2.wav
- taunts/you_ok-1.wav

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