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Category PC / Computer
Sounds 282
Hits 471,064
Comments 50
Hero Voices [v1.48]
Soldier: 76
Wrecking Ball and Hammond
Hero Voices (French) [v1.48]
Ana (French)
Ashe (French)
Baptiste (French)
Brigitte (French)
D.Va (French)
Doomfist (French)
Echo / Écho (French)
Genji (French)
Hanzo (French)
Junkrat / Chacal (French)
Lúcio (French)
McCree (French)
Mei (French)
Mercy / Ange (French)
Moira (French)
Orisa (French)
Pharah (French)
Reaper / Faucheur (French)
Reinhardt (French)
Roadhog / Chopper (French)
Sigma (French)
Soldier: 76 / Soldat: 76 (French)
Sombra (French)
Symmetra (French)
Torbjörn (French)
Tracer (French)
Widowmaker / Fatale (French)
Winston (French)
Wrecking Ball / Bouldozer (French)
Zarya (French)
Zenyatta (French)
Hero Voices (German) [v1.48]
Ana (German)
Ashe (German)
Baptiste (German)
Brigitte (German)
D.Va (German)
Doomfist (German)
Echo (German)
Genji (German)
Hanzo (German)
Junkrat (German)
Lúcio (German)
McCree (German)
Mei (German)
Mercy (German)
Moira (German)
Orisa (German)
Pharah (German)
Reaper (German)
Reinhardt (German)
Roadhog (German)
Sigma (German)
Soldier: 76 / Soldat: 76 (German)
Sombra (German)
Symmetra (German)
Torbjörn (German)
Tracer (German)
Widowmaker (German)
Winston (German)
Wrecking Ball (German)
Zarya (German)
Zenyatta (German)
Hero Voices (Italian) [v1.48]
Ana (Italian)
Ashe (Italian)
Baptiste (Italian)
Brigitte (Italian)
D.Va / D.VA (Italian)
Doomfist (Italian)
Echo (Italian)
Genji (Italian)
Hanzo (Italian)
Junkrat (Italian)
Lúcio (Italian)
McCree (Italian)
Mei (Italian)
Mercy (Italian)
Moira (Italian)
Orisa (Italian)
Pharah (Italian)
Reaper (Italian)
Reinhardt (Italian)
Roadhog (Italian)
Sigma (Italian)
Soldier: 76 / Soldato-76 (Italian)
Sombra (Italian)
Symmetra (Italian)
Torbjörn (Italian)
Tracer (Italian)
Widowmaker (Italian)
Winston (Italian)
Wrecking Ball (Italian)
Zarya (Italian)
Zenyatta (Italian)
Hero Voices (Japanese) [v1.48]
Ana / アナ (Japanese)
Ashe / アッシュ (Japanese)
Baptiste / バティスト (Japanese)
Brigitte / ブリギッテ (Japanese)
D.Va (Japanese)
Doomfist / ドゥームフィスト (Japanese)
Echo / エコー (Japanese)
Genji / ゲンジ (Japanese)
Hanzo / ハンゾー (Japanese)
Junkrat / ジャンクラット (Japanese)
Lúcio / ルシオ (Japanese)
McCree / マクリー (Japanese)
Mei / メイ (Japanese)
Mercy / マーシー (Japanese)
Moira / モイラ (Japanese)
Orisa / オリーサ (Japanese)
Pharah / ファラ (Japanese)
Reaper / リーパー (Japanese)
Reinhardt / ラインハルト (Japanese)
Roadhog / ロードホッグ (Japanese)
Sigma / シグマ (Japanese)
Soldier: 76 / ソルジャー76 (Japanese)
Sombra / ソンブラ (Japanese)
Symmetra / シンメトラ (Japanese)
Torbjörn / トールビョーン (Japanese)
Tracer / トレーサー (Japanese)
Widowmaker / ウィドウメイカー (Japanese)
Winston / ウィンストン (Japanese)
Wrecking Ball / レッキング・ボール (Japanese)
Zarya / ザリア (Japanese)
Zenyatta / ゼニヤッタ (Japanese)
Hero Voices (Portuguese) [v1.48]
Ana (Portuguese)
Ashe (Portuguese)
Baptiste (Portuguese)
Brigitte (Portuguese)
D.Va (Portuguese)
Doomfist (Portuguese)
Echo (Portuguese)
Genji (Portuguese)
Hanzo (Portuguese)
Junkrat (Portuguese)
Lúcio (Portuguese)
McCree (Portuguese)
Mei (Portuguese)
Mercy (Portuguese)
Moira (Portuguese)
Orisa (Portuguese)
Pharah (Portuguese)
Reaper (Portuguese)
Reinhardt (Portuguese)
Roadhog (Portuguese)
Sigma (Portuguese)
Soldier: 76 / Soldado: 76 (Portuguese)
Sombra (Portuguese)
Symmetra (Portuguese)
Torbjörn (Portuguese)
Tracer (Portuguese)
Widowmaker (Portuguese)
Winston (Portuguese)
Wrecking Ball (Portuguese)
Zarya (Portuguese)
Zenyatta (Portuguese)
Hero Voices (Spanish) [v1.48]
Ana (Spanish)
Ashe (Spanish)
Baptiste (Spanish)
Brigitte (Spanish)
D.Va (Spanish)
Doomfist (Spanish)
Echo (Spanish)
Genji (Spanish)
Hanzo (Spanish)
Junkrat (Spanish)
Lúcio (Spanish)
McCree (Spanish)
Mei (Spanish)
Mercy (Spanish)
Moira (Spanish)
Orisa (Spanish)
Pharah (Spanish)
Reaper (Spanish)
Reinhardt (Spanish)
Roadhog (Spanish)
Sigma (Spanish)
Soldier: 76 / Soldado: 76 (Spanish)
Sombra (Spanish)
Symmetra (Spanish)
Torbjörn (Spanish)
Tracer (Spanish)
Widowmaker (Spanish)
Winston (Spanish)
Wrecking Ball (Spanish)
Zarya (Spanish)
Zenyatta (Spanish)
Miscellaneous Voices [v1.48]
Archives Allies
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt]
Lúcioball Announcers
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76]
Miscellaneous Voices
Null Sector
Talon Forces
Training Bot
Miscellaneous Voices (French) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (French)
Athena (French)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (French)
Lúcioball Announcers (French)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (French)
Miscellaneous Voices (French)
Null Sector (French)
Talon Forces (French)
Training Bot / Robot d'entraînement (French)
Miscellaneous Voices (German) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (German)
Athena (German)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (German)
Lúcioball Announcers (German)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (German)
Miscellaneous Voices (German)
Null Sector (German)
Talon Forces (German)
Training Bot / Trainingsbot (German)
Miscellaneous Voices (Italian) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Italian)
Athena (Italian)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Italian)
Lúcioball Announcers (Italian)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Italian)
Miscellaneous Voices (Italian)
Null Sector (Italian)
Talon Forces (Italian)
Training Bot / Addestra-bot (Italian)
Miscellaneous Voices (Japanese) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Japanese)
Athena / アテナ (Japanese)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Japanese)
Lúcioball Announcers (Japanese)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Japanese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Japanese)
Null Sector (Japanese)
Talon Forces (Japanese)
Training Bot / トレーニング・ボット (Japanese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Portuguese) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Portuguese)
Athena (Portuguese)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Portuguese)
Lúcioball Announcers (Portuguese)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Portuguese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Portuguese)
Null Sector (Portuguese)
Talon Forces (Portuguese)
Training Bot / Bot de treinamento (Portuguese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Spanish) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Spanish)
Athena (Spanish)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Spanish)
Lúcioball Announcers (Spanish)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Spanish)
Miscellaneous Voices (Spanish)
Null Sector (Spanish)
Talon Forces (Spanish)
Training Bot / Robot de entrenamiento (Spanish)
Console Genre Developers
PC / Computer Shooter Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Dec 14, 2017, 3:33 AM
Updated all of the Hero Voices (and Athena) to be up-to-date with v1.18... minus the sounds for the Dune Buggy and Avalanche skins for Bastion's Ganymede, I haven't located 'em yet.

...no progress on the other languages yet. It's a huge undertaking. :x
Nov 20, 2017, 3:15 AM
Now 4 Moira
Oct 17, 2017, 4:48 PM
Updated Zenyatta's Hero Voices yet again with a bunch more lines for Cultist Zenyatta.
Oct 12, 2017, 12:52 PM
All of the English Hero Voices submissions (minus Reaper who had no new sounds due to his new Halloween line re-using a formerly-unused one), as well as Athena, the Junkenstein's Revenge announcer, the Misc. Voices and the Zomnics (every single one of their sounds were updated!) were all updated to match v1.16 now.

...I'll have to get back to the French sounds and such later, and hope I don't have a meltdown before then trying to organize 'em all.
Aug 9, 2017, 2:25 AM
Re-updated all of the Hero Voices and the Lúcioball Announcer (now Announcers) with the sounds relating to the Summer Games 2017 event.
Aug 8, 2017, 6:43 PM
Thanks dude.
Aug 8, 2017, 6:13 PM
@gabrielwoj: Of course. :P

Don't really need to credit me for 'em, either, that part's completely optional.
Aug 8, 2017, 5:40 PM
Hi, I'd like to know if I can use these extracted audios to upload to the Overwatch Wiki, there's tons of missing audio files and extracting them is kinda of a pain (I have them extracted until the Ana patch, but I didn't extracted after Sombra patch and so on).

If you want me to credit you somewhere, I can maybe place your name on my UserPage or something.

Still, thanks for the amazing rips. I almost uploaded files for Overwatch once, but I noticed that Ana (the first submission I did), didn't had all the voices, so I discarded.
Aug 2, 2017, 3:16 PM
Added Doomfist's voice lines, and updated the rest of the Hero Sounds, Athena's and the Training Bot's to be up-to-date with v1.13 (for Doomfist-related lines and updated falling screams, but I'll have to update them all again when the Summer Games begin next week).
Jun 5, 2017, 4:30 PM
Updated all of the Hero Sounds, Athena and the Misc. Voices with everything relating to the Horizon Lunar Colony in v1.12, both English and French sets. I also updated Bastion's archive with all of Ganymede's sounds from the alternate skins.
Jun 2, 2017, 6:33 PM
Whoot thank you! :D
Jun 2, 2017, 2:54 PM
Added the French voices now.
May 26, 2017, 8:44 AM
Updated all of the Hero Sounds and Athena with everything from the v1.11 (Anniversary) update.

@TheWinter: At some point in time, yes, once I've listened to 'em all and made sure I'm not leaving in any musical cues.
May 6, 2017, 7:54 PM
Any chance to get the SFX of overwatch as well?
May 4, 2017, 8:51 AM
Thank you for being so quick with the ripping
May 4, 2017, 8:46 AM
Updated all of the Hero Voices to be up to date with v1.10, and added the announcers and Null Sector from the Uprising event.
Apr 19, 2017, 3:12 PM
Nice, please keep the epic updates coming :D
Apr 19, 2017, 12:20 PM
Updated all of the Hero Voices (as well as adding Orisa) and Athena to be up to date with v1.9 (including CTF-related, Shield Generator and "Incoming" voice lines). No v1.10/Uprising stuff just yet.
Jan 25, 2017, 1:12 PM
Updated all of the Hero Voices (except Pharah, Torbjörn and Winston) and Athena to be up to date with v1.
Jan 6, 2017, 3:21 PM
@trainhobovegas: I'm using both OverTool and CascExplorer for that. I do also have all of the sound effects extracted, but I'm currently pondering how I'm gonna go about separating and uploading them all (there's close to 600MB across 15,246 unnamed files with only ID numbers, plus I still need to remove the music files and such).
Jan 6, 2017, 2:39 PM
What kind of tools did you use for extraction? Reason why I'm asking is because, if those voices could be ripped, what about weapons. If that could be done, so can anybody else.
Dec 26, 2016, 6:10 PM
@TheWinter: I've actually got the rest extracted (minus Athena's for now, I have no idea how I'm gonna go about doing so with the current tools) and I'm working on organizing them, so you can definitely expect to see 'em up here in the near future.

Gonna be a bugger making sure everything's up to date when I do so, though.
Dec 26, 2016, 5:18 PM
How far are you going to take the voice uploads for OW? I know that there are 13 languages for all these characters so I am curious if you are going to just do the English sounds or eventually upload the other languages.
Dec 25, 2016, 10:06 AM
Updated all of the Hero Voices (except Ana, Bastion, Symmetra and Widowmaker) and the Miscellaneous Voices to be up to date with v1. and PTR v1. If there's something missing (due to a potential missing key), don't hesitate to let me know!
Nov 29, 2016, 6:14 PM
Updated Mei, Reaper, Sombra, Winston, Zenyatta and the Misc. Voices with the new voice clips from PTR v1.
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