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Category PC / Computer
Sounds 282
Hits 471,049
Comments 50
Hero Voices [v1.48]
Soldier: 76
Wrecking Ball and Hammond
Hero Voices (French) [v1.48]
Ana (French)
Ashe (French)
Baptiste (French)
Brigitte (French)
D.Va (French)
Doomfist (French)
Echo / Écho (French)
Genji (French)
Hanzo (French)
Junkrat / Chacal (French)
Lúcio (French)
McCree (French)
Mei (French)
Mercy / Ange (French)
Moira (French)
Orisa (French)
Pharah (French)
Reaper / Faucheur (French)
Reinhardt (French)
Roadhog / Chopper (French)
Sigma (French)
Soldier: 76 / Soldat: 76 (French)
Sombra (French)
Symmetra (French)
Torbjörn (French)
Tracer (French)
Widowmaker / Fatale (French)
Winston (French)
Wrecking Ball / Bouldozer (French)
Zarya (French)
Zenyatta (French)
Hero Voices (German) [v1.48]
Ana (German)
Ashe (German)
Baptiste (German)
Brigitte (German)
D.Va (German)
Doomfist (German)
Echo (German)
Genji (German)
Hanzo (German)
Junkrat (German)
Lúcio (German)
McCree (German)
Mei (German)
Mercy (German)
Moira (German)
Orisa (German)
Pharah (German)
Reaper (German)
Reinhardt (German)
Roadhog (German)
Sigma (German)
Soldier: 76 / Soldat: 76 (German)
Sombra (German)
Symmetra (German)
Torbjörn (German)
Tracer (German)
Widowmaker (German)
Winston (German)
Wrecking Ball (German)
Zarya (German)
Zenyatta (German)
Hero Voices (Italian) [v1.48]
Ana (Italian)
Ashe (Italian)
Baptiste (Italian)
Brigitte (Italian)
D.Va / D.VA (Italian)
Doomfist (Italian)
Echo (Italian)
Genji (Italian)
Hanzo (Italian)
Junkrat (Italian)
Lúcio (Italian)
McCree (Italian)
Mei (Italian)
Mercy (Italian)
Moira (Italian)
Orisa (Italian)
Pharah (Italian)
Reaper (Italian)
Reinhardt (Italian)
Roadhog (Italian)
Sigma (Italian)
Soldier: 76 / Soldato-76 (Italian)
Sombra (Italian)
Symmetra (Italian)
Torbjörn (Italian)
Tracer (Italian)
Widowmaker (Italian)
Winston (Italian)
Wrecking Ball (Italian)
Zarya (Italian)
Zenyatta (Italian)
Hero Voices (Japanese) [v1.48]
Ana / アナ (Japanese)
Ashe / アッシュ (Japanese)
Baptiste / バティスト (Japanese)
Brigitte / ブリギッテ (Japanese)
D.Va (Japanese)
Doomfist / ドゥームフィスト (Japanese)
Echo / エコー (Japanese)
Genji / ゲンジ (Japanese)
Hanzo / ハンゾー (Japanese)
Junkrat / ジャンクラット (Japanese)
Lúcio / ルシオ (Japanese)
McCree / マクリー (Japanese)
Mei / メイ (Japanese)
Mercy / マーシー (Japanese)
Moira / モイラ (Japanese)
Orisa / オリーサ (Japanese)
Pharah / ファラ (Japanese)
Reaper / リーパー (Japanese)
Reinhardt / ラインハルト (Japanese)
Roadhog / ロードホッグ (Japanese)
Sigma / シグマ (Japanese)
Soldier: 76 / ソルジャー76 (Japanese)
Sombra / ソンブラ (Japanese)
Symmetra / シンメトラ (Japanese)
Torbjörn / トールビョーン (Japanese)
Tracer / トレーサー (Japanese)
Widowmaker / ウィドウメイカー (Japanese)
Winston / ウィンストン (Japanese)
Wrecking Ball / レッキング・ボール (Japanese)
Zarya / ザリア (Japanese)
Zenyatta / ゼニヤッタ (Japanese)
Hero Voices (Portuguese) [v1.48]
Ana (Portuguese)
Ashe (Portuguese)
Baptiste (Portuguese)
Brigitte (Portuguese)
D.Va (Portuguese)
Doomfist (Portuguese)
Echo (Portuguese)
Genji (Portuguese)
Hanzo (Portuguese)
Junkrat (Portuguese)
Lúcio (Portuguese)
McCree (Portuguese)
Mei (Portuguese)
Mercy (Portuguese)
Moira (Portuguese)
Orisa (Portuguese)
Pharah (Portuguese)
Reaper (Portuguese)
Reinhardt (Portuguese)
Roadhog (Portuguese)
Sigma (Portuguese)
Soldier: 76 / Soldado: 76 (Portuguese)
Sombra (Portuguese)
Symmetra (Portuguese)
Torbjörn (Portuguese)
Tracer (Portuguese)
Widowmaker (Portuguese)
Winston (Portuguese)
Wrecking Ball (Portuguese)
Zarya (Portuguese)
Zenyatta (Portuguese)
Hero Voices (Spanish) [v1.48]
Ana (Spanish)
Ashe (Spanish)
Baptiste (Spanish)
Brigitte (Spanish)
D.Va (Spanish)
Doomfist (Spanish)
Echo (Spanish)
Genji (Spanish)
Hanzo (Spanish)
Junkrat (Spanish)
Lúcio (Spanish)
McCree (Spanish)
Mei (Spanish)
Mercy (Spanish)
Moira (Spanish)
Orisa (Spanish)
Pharah (Spanish)
Reaper (Spanish)
Reinhardt (Spanish)
Roadhog (Spanish)
Sigma (Spanish)
Soldier: 76 / Soldado: 76 (Spanish)
Sombra (Spanish)
Symmetra (Spanish)
Torbjörn (Spanish)
Tracer (Spanish)
Widowmaker (Spanish)
Winston (Spanish)
Wrecking Ball (Spanish)
Zarya (Spanish)
Zenyatta (Spanish)
Miscellaneous Voices [v1.48]
Archives Allies
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt]
Lúcioball Announcers
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76]
Miscellaneous Voices
Null Sector
Talon Forces
Training Bot
Miscellaneous Voices (French) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (French)
Athena (French)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (French)
Lúcioball Announcers (French)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (French)
Miscellaneous Voices (French)
Null Sector (French)
Talon Forces (French)
Training Bot / Robot d'entraînement (French)
Miscellaneous Voices (German) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (German)
Athena (German)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (German)
Lúcioball Announcers (German)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (German)
Miscellaneous Voices (German)
Null Sector (German)
Talon Forces (German)
Training Bot / Trainingsbot (German)
Miscellaneous Voices (Italian) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Italian)
Athena (Italian)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Italian)
Lúcioball Announcers (Italian)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Italian)
Miscellaneous Voices (Italian)
Null Sector (Italian)
Talon Forces (Italian)
Training Bot / Addestra-bot (Italian)
Miscellaneous Voices (Japanese) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Japanese)
Athena / アテナ (Japanese)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Japanese)
Lúcioball Announcers (Japanese)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Japanese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Japanese)
Null Sector (Japanese)
Talon Forces (Japanese)
Training Bot / トレーニング・ボット (Japanese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Portuguese) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Portuguese)
Athena (Portuguese)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Portuguese)
Lúcioball Announcers (Portuguese)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Portuguese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Portuguese)
Null Sector (Portuguese)
Talon Forces (Portuguese)
Training Bot / Bot de treinamento (Portuguese)
Miscellaneous Voices (Spanish) [v1.48]
Archives Allies (Spanish)
Athena (Spanish)
Junkenstein's Revenge Announcer [Reinhardt] (Spanish)
Lúcioball Announcers (Spanish)
Mei's Snowball Offensive Announcer [Soldier: 76] (Spanish)
Miscellaneous Voices (Spanish)
Null Sector (Spanish)
Talon Forces (Spanish)
Training Bot / Robot de entrenamiento (Spanish)
Console Genre Developers
PC / Computer Shooter Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Dec 27, 2021, 2:43 PM
is it possible to get weapon sounds added to this as well? I'd love to help labelling them if needed
Jul 18, 2021, 4:10 AM
Is a weapon sound rip possible? Having a rip of them would give lots of people assets for mods...
Jun 16, 2020, 5:01 PM *
Phew, it's been a long while but all of the sounds currently here are finally up-to-date with v1.48. Only took me a decade to sort 'em all out...

I'll aim for getting the other 7 languages up before the month's over, if not then I'll at least have a few more added.
(EDIT: One down so far!)
Aug 29, 2019, 8:04 PM
Sorry for the wait, the English voice clips are now up-to-date with v1.39. And there's also a new addition to each that I'm sure people will appreciate (thanks again to Naomi and co. for their continued efforts!).


...I have no idea when I'm going to fix up the other languages, since everything's been changed up for those yet again. Someday. D:

(Yes, I know I could just re-dump everything from v1.39, but there's so many sounds that were changed/removed between then and now...)
Mar 28, 2019, 7:55 PM
Are you still around? Will there be any more updates in the near future?
Nov 23, 2018, 4:33 AM
Well be an update? We need Ashe voices.
Sep 19, 2018, 2:40 AM
Random Talking Bush, could you plz export Korean voice? Thx for read.
Aug 21, 2018, 1:39 AM
God bless you R. Talking Bush
Aug 12, 2018, 2:58 PM
Ana, Bastion, Doomfist, Lúcio, Mei (except her German voices, which are oddly identical to English), Moira, Reinhardt, Zarya, Zenyatta, Athena, and the Lúcioball Announcers have been updated to v1.27, and Wrecking Ball / Hammond's voice clips have been added.
Jul 6, 2018, 5:30 PM
Hey, voice clips, voice clips Italian-o.
Jul 4, 2018, 6:54 AM
German and Portuguese sounds are up now, too. Hopefully I can get the rest (or at least a few more) done before the end of the month.

(And apologies in advance if I labelled any sound clips that are actually used as "removed", it's possible that I might've accidentally mixed things up from trying to manage 6 different patch dumps at once. @_@)
Jul 2, 2018, 10:34 AM
Oh, snap thank you for the release of these! :D
Jul 2, 2018, 3:45 AM
Japanese voice clips are up now!
Jun 28, 2018, 2:32 AM
Updated the Hero Voices and Athena to be up-to-date with v1.25 (yeah yeah, skipped a version again).

@Nier: I should have time to get those organized and uploaded sometime next week. Would've done so earlier, but things happened.
Jun 8, 2018, 7:14 AM
@Random Talking Bush I tried CASCExplorer but I can't find anything, it always gives me unknown files or damaged files. If you have some spare time can you extract Japanese voice of Reyes and upload it?
May 11, 2018, 8:44 PM
Updated Hanzo and the Map Voices (for the Omnic Waiter) submissions with the new sounds from v1.23.
Apr 28, 2018, 10:35 AM
I never used CASCExplorer before, it looks much difficult than DataTool. I'll try what can I find with that. Thanks.
Apr 26, 2018, 7:39 AM
@Nier: It's a bit of a long process, but I'd used CASCExplorer to extract all of the 0B2 files, and also DataTool to dump all of the Hero / Map voice lines, then finally a duplicate checker to remove everything else that wasn't in the DataTool extractions, and almost all of the remaining files were Reyes' lines (there were a few from other Heroes that weren't linked for some reason, but those should be easy to sort out after listening through).

If you're having trouble locating 'em, I'll see what I can do about making sure the Japanese voice lines are uploaded next. :)
Apr 26, 2018, 7:08 AM
May I ask how did you extract Reyes' voice? I used to use DataTool to extract hero voice but I can't extract Reyes' voice. I want to get his Japanese voice.
Apr 21, 2018, 3:45 AM
And now the French sound effects are finally up-to-date!

...And I could've sworn I'd uploaded Brigitte's sounds earlier. Those are up now, too!
Apr 14, 2018, 3:30 PM
Finally updated all of the English Hero Sounds, Athena and the Map Voices (Blackwatch Pilot, Blizzard World and such) to be up-to-date with v1.22. Also Talon Troopers.

Obligatory statement regarding updating French sounds one of these days.
Apr 7, 2018, 1:00 PM
He uploads them everyonce in a while but ir would be nice for briggtte sfx
Mar 26, 2018, 6:00 AM
Can someone publish Brigitte voice or this site is rip?
Mar 15, 2018, 10:52 PM
no all classes weapons?
Mar 1, 2018, 12:06 AM
Would it be possible to upload the unsorted remaining sfx, as mentioned before?

"600MB across 15,246 unnamed files with only ID numbers..."

We could help - or at least have access to those sfx that way.
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