# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- Cortana/Main/according to my analysis of the available data.ogg
- Cortana/Main/activating final countdown.ogg
- Cortana/Main/activating motion tracker lets find a safe exit.ogg
- Cortana/Main/a dozen superior covenant battle ships.ogg
- Cortana/Main/air support is cut off captain.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert a covenant is making a run for that stationary gun.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert covenant drop ship has detected us here they come.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert covenant drop ship in bound they must be looking for survivors i recommend immediate evasion.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert covenant forces have secured the banshees.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert our rv point with foehammer.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert shuttle bay door is closed.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert the monitor has disabled.ogg
- Cortana/Main/alert we need to keep moving.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing damage this hole.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing fusion reactor.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing halos control center.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing if halo is a weapon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing the door control mechanism is offline but its been taken offline you should be able to bash it open with the butt of your weapon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing this must be the control room.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing we have five minutes.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing we have seven minutes.ogg
- Cortana/Main/analyzing we have six minutes.ogg
- Cortana/Main/and thats exactly what halo is designed to do.ogg
- Cortana/Main/area secure.ogg
- Cortana/Main/as for tracking us all the way from reach.ogg
- Cortana/Main/at last are you all right can you move.ogg
- Cortana/Main/at least ive still got control over the comm channels.ogg
- Cortana/Main/aye aye sir.ogg
- Cortana/Main/before its too late.ogg
- Cortana/Main/but im pretty sure i can pull it from your suit.ogg
- Cortana/Main/but ive isolated aproach signatures.ogg
- Cortana/Main/captain captain ive lost him.ogg
- Cortana/Main/captain the cannonw was my last defensive.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief bravo 22 was bringing us some heavy weapons.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief chief can you hear me.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief get me out of this terminal.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief im picking up movement.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief lets see if we can find a way to open.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief sentinels.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief up ahead theres a gap in the trench.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief we need to get to the engine room.ogg
- Cortana/Main/chief we need to jump.ogg
- Cortana/Main/covenant are destroying the life pods they really dont want us on that ring.ogg
- Cortana/Main/covenant on the landing above us.ogg
- Cortana/Main/detecting covenant movement outside the access ways.ogg
- Cortana/Main/dont let them lock the doors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/dont worry i have access to all of the.ogg
- Cortana/Main/do what i have the index.ogg
- Cortana/Main/do you have any idea what that bastard.ogg
- Cortana/Main/echo 419 shes gone.ogg
- Cortana/Main/engine room located.ogg
- Cortana/Main/everyone sir.ogg
- Cortana/Main/fancy look.ogg
- Cortana/Main/final target neutralized.ogg
- Cortana/Main/first we need to pull back.ogg
- Cortana/Main/get here first the covenant ships have always been faster.ogg
- Cortana/Main/get us out of here.ogg
- Cortana/Main/good lets get moving the nav point marks our target.ogg
- Cortana/Main/good step one complete.ogg
- Cortana/Main/good that should open the door.ogg
- Cortana/Main/halo its finished.ogg
- Cortana/Main/head through that door thats the way to the next canyon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/he must be trying to take the core offline.ogg
- Cortana/Main/hes delirious.ogg
- Cortana/Main/hes in engineering.ogg
- Cortana/Main/hes in my data arrays.ogg
- Cortana/Main/hes stopped a self destruct sequence.ogg
- Cortana/Main/hm your architecture isnt much different from the autumns.ogg
- Cortana/Main/humans covenant whatever were all equally.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i canr read the captains c and i.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i didnt think there were any human.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i disabled the lifeboats signal beacon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/if i had still fingers theyd be crossed.ogg
- Cortana/Main/if those lifeboats make it down the covenant are going to be right on top of them.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i havent located the crash site yet.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i knew it the autumn is accelerating.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i learned how to tap into the grid.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i leave home for a few days.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ill call in a dropship to pick them up.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im detecting tap throughout the ship.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im going to call for reinforcements theres no sense in going in with nothing less than full strength.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im going to search whats left of the covenants battle network.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im marking the location of the nearest pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im reading a life boat beacon over the next hill we should check to see if there are any survivors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/im reading thousands of types of flora the rings ecosystem is incredibly sophisticated.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i need you to upload me.ogg
- Cortana/Main/interesting a shrine is such an.ogg
- Cortana/Main/interesting i underestimated the covenants understanding.ogg
- Cortana/Main/interesting the ring supports wildlife.ogg
- Cortana/Main/interesting the weather patterns.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i recommend moving into the hills.ogg
- Cortana/Main/it doesnt look like they saw us but we should leave before they spot us.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i think we both know.ogg
- Cortana/Main/i thought the covenant.ogg
- Cortana/Main/it looks like the covenant wanted to catch you napping.ogg
- Cortana/Main/it looks like theres a path to the interior.ogg
- Cortana/Main/it mustve been one of their boarding parties.ogg
- Cortana/Main/its done i have the code we should go.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive already begun.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive detected covenant stationary guns .ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive got a good lock on.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive hacked into the covenant battle network.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive located the final lifeboat ill give you a nav point to the beacon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive located the pillar of autumn.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ive spent the last 12 hours.ogg
- Cortana/Main/keep it up only one more fusion reactor to go.ogg
- Cortana/Main/keep your head down theres two of us in here now remember.ogg
- Cortana/Main/left out that little detail did he.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets get out of here.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets go find the map room.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets hurry and find the final lifeboa so we can link up with the rest of the survivors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets keep going inside.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets make sure there are no covenant hiding in the area.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lets move down the beach.ogg
- Cortana/Main/lifeboat detected no sign of survivors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/life pods are launching we should hurry.ogg
- Cortana/Main/look.ogg
- Cortana/Main/look covenant banshees.ogg
- Cortana/Main/look in the corners.ogg
- Cortana/Main/look more lifeboats theyre coming in fast.ogg
- Cortana/Main/look out.ogg
- Cortana/Main/looks like another shuttle bay.ogg
- Cortana/Main/make that four kills.ogg
- Cortana/Main/maybe they took cover in that structre lets check it out.ogg
- Cortana/Main/me.ogg
- Cortana/Main/mm.ogg
- Cortana/Main/more stealth elites uncloaking.ogg
- Cortana/Main/motion tracker shows all clear.ogg
- Cortana/Main/my analysis indicated that the map room.ogg
- Cortana/Main/needless to say i think we should only try this once.ogg
- Cortana/Main/never been better.ogg
- Cortana/Main/new traffic on the covenant battle net ive found captain keyes.ogg
- Cortana/Main/no human life signs detected.ogg
- Cortana/Main/no survivors master chief.ogg
- Cortana/Main/no thatll take too long.ogg
- Cortana/Main/not much a well placed grenade.ogg
- Cortana/Main/not that youll listen.ogg
- Cortana/Main/no without the captain the covenant.ogg
- Cortana/Main/now would be a very good time to leave.ogg
- Cortana/Main/objective accomplished the pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/oh.ogg
- Cortana/Main/oh hell.ogg
- Cortana/Main/oh i didnt realize is hes your pal is he.ogg
- Cortana/Main/oh i see the coordinate data.ogg
- Cortana/Main/oh really.ogg
- Cortana/Main/okay lets move out.ogg
- Cortana/Main/okay lets take care of the next pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/ok im coming with you.ogg
- Cortana/Main/once we get inside the ship.ogg
- Cortana/Main/once were inside the ship i can hone in.ogg
- Cortana/Main/one target remaining.ogg
- Cortana/Main/our fighters are moping up the last of the recon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/perfect grab one of the escord banshees.ogg
- Cortana/Main/power source detected theres the gravity lift.ogg
- Cortana/Main/pull up pull up.ogg
- Cortana/Main/resistence appears to be increasing.ogg
- Cortana/Main/rght sorry.ogg
- Cortana/Main/scanning covenant forces in the vicinity.ogg
- Cortana/Main/scanning just dust and echoes.ogg
- Cortana/Main/shut them down well need them later.ogg
- Cortana/Main/shut the system down so the convenant wont be able to lock us out.ogg
- Cortana/Main/sleep well.ogg
- Cortana/Main/sod off.ogg
- Cortana/Main/so if we damage or destroy these generators.ogg
- Cortana/Main/so you did miss me.ogg
- Cortana/Main/stick to the higher ground to the right.ogg
- Cortana/Main/stop chief we need to go the other direction.ogg
- Cortana/Main/stop motion tracker shows movement around the next bend.ogg
- Cortana/Main/stop we need to stay here with the marines until evac arrives.ogg
- Cortana/Main/survivors detected marines are concealed in those rocks.ogg
- Cortana/Main/survivors will probably stay close to their emergency beacons.ogg
- Cortana/Main/that did it the engines gone critical.ogg
- Cortana/Main/that did it the pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/that jump into the.ogg
- Cortana/Main/thats the pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/thats the ship move we need to get aboard now.ogg
- Cortana/Main/that terminal try there.ogg
- Cortana/Main/that tunnel leads to the next section of canyon.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the autumn will continue evasive manuevers.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the bridge we made it.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the captain his vitals are fading please chief.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the captain weve got to stop the captain.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the control room should be this way.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant are putting up a real fight.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant battlenet is a mess.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant battle network is absolute chaos.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant believe at what they call the .ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant found something.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant placed their tanks.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant presence here is stronger.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the covenant were right.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the crash did more damage.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the damage caused by the crash.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the damage to the super structure is extensive i dont know how much more abuse the autumn can take.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the emp blast should neutralize the generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the entrance to the control center (2).ogg
- Cortana/Main/the entrance to the control center.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the flood overwhelemed this cruiser.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the island has multiple structures.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the last lifeboat is in the mountains near a rockslide.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the last life boat is near the cliff edge.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the last lifeboat is near the head of the river.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the machinery in this canyon are halos.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the others the impact theres nothing we can do.ogg
- Cortana/Main/there are probably multiple detention stations.ogg
- Cortana/Main/there in the cliff wall.ogg
- Cortana/Main/there must be some mechanism to cross this chasim.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres a teleportation grid.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres new traffic on the covenant battle network.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres no time get out of here find keyes stop him.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres one last lifeboat quickly get on before it launches.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres our ride get aboard and lets get out of here.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres so many i cant track them all.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theres some marines hiding in the hills above the structure.ogg
- Cortana/Main/there that holo panel should activate the map.ogg
- Cortana/Main/there that should give us enough time.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the second pulse generator is located.ogg
- Cortana/Main/these covenant fools they mustve known.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the ship was heavily damaged.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the systems on the pillar of autumn.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the truth and reconciliation touched down on a .ogg
- Cortana/Main/the tunnel door is locked.ogg
- Cortana/Main/the weapons cache hes looking for.ogg
- Cortana/Main/they're right on top of us let's find another way through.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theyre all dead we didnt save them.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theyre already inside.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theyre using our lifeboat airlocks to attach their boarding crafts clever bastards.ogg
- Cortana/Main/theyve locked the doors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/they were waiting for us on the far side of the planet.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this cave is not a natural formation someone built it so it must lead somewhere.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this is it halos control center.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this isnt the map room.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this looks like the ships command center.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this ring isnt a cudul you barbarian.ogg
- Cortana/Main/this thing is falling apart.ogg
- Cortana/Main/those marines could use some help do what you do best.ogg
- Cortana/Main/too close we need to find another route.ogg
- Cortana/Main/transfer me back to your suit.ogg
- Cortana/Main/trust me its dep enough.ogg
- Cortana/Main/turn around youre driving the wrong way.ogg
- Cortana/Main/until we decelerated.ogg
- Cortana/Main/use an explosive i recommend.ogg
- Cortana/Main/use the holo panel.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait stop this is where foehammer is coming to pick up up.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait that the locked door.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait the covenant and flood are attacking each other.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait we havent destroyed the pulse generator.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait we need to get through that door but its been damaged by an explosion.ogg
- Cortana/Main/wait we should commondere one of those banshees.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning blast doors closing.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning ive detected multiple covenant drop ships on aproach.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning ive picked up that the covenant has picked up and secured the crash site of the autumn.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning sentinels are attacking.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning threat level increasing (2).ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning threat level increasing.ogg
- Cortana/Main/warning we should evacuate the area before covenant forces arrive.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we can't let the monitor activate halo.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we cant leave yet we need to wait for the dropship.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we cant let the flood get off this ring.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we cant make it on foot.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we couldnt save them i reccomend we stay near the beacon and wait for extraction.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we didnt rescue any of the marines 100 percent casualties.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we did what we had to do for earth.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we dont have much time.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we have to use the ships maintenence access ways follow the nav point it will lead you to an opening.ogg
- Cortana/Main/well be in a tight spot.ogg
- Cortana/Main/well theres the entrance to the security substation.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we made it.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we must be in the brig.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need a catalyst expolsion.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need that warthog if we want to get to the other lifeboats in time.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to find the other two lifeboats.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to find the security override.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to get back to the pillar of autumn.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to get going chief, we need to get off the ship before its completely overrun by covenant.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to get to the bridge from there.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to get up this ridge.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to go right now.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to interrupt the pulse generators.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to move up to the second level.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we need to stay with the marines.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we read you echo 419 we have survivors and need immediate dust off.ogg
- Cortana/Main/were cutting it close.ogg
- Cortana/Main/were not gonna make it.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should be able to get into the ships.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should commendere one of those ghosts.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should evacuate the area and find other survivors.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should head back to the shuttle bay and call for evac.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should head this way.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should hurry they cant.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should make sure the area is clear of covenant straglers.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should now have access to the main facility.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we shouldnt just leave them there.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should search the interior of those structures before we leave.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should secure the area before the dropship arrives.ogg
- Cortana/Main/we should wait here for the dropship.ogg
- Cortana/Main/what are you talking about.ogg
- Cortana/Main/what hed want us to do.ogg
- Cortana/Main/whatre you doing we have to stay with the marines.ogg
- Cortana/Main/what the hell are you doing.ogg
- Cortana/Main/where are you going that life boats beacon is our only chance at being reunited with the crew we have to stay with it.ogg
- Cortana/Main/where are you going the dropship is coming here to pick us up.ogg
- Cortana/Main/where are you going we cant abandon those marines we need to stay near the RV point before foehammer arrives.ogg
- Cortana/Main/while you do what go down with the ship.ogg
- Cortana/Main/with all do respect sir.ogg
- Cortana/Main/with those odds im content with three.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you cant imagine the wealth of information.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you did that on purpose didnt you.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you dont believe me ask him.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you have no idea how this ring works.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you mean this.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you sure thats a good idea.ogg
- Cortana/Main/you sure you wouldnt rather take a seat.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/alert all hands boarding parties on port decks four seven and twelve.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/alert alpha and charlie teams report heavy fighting.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/attention all combat personelle.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/attention all personelle.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/begger team reports covenant forces on port decks seven .ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/covenant boarding craft detected on port decks four five seven eight and nine.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/enemy boarding parties on starboard decks eight and ten.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/fire teams report to defensive positions alpha and sierra .ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/reserve combat teams oscar and romeo.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/reserve combat teams tango through x-ray.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/this is not a drill.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/warning convenant incursions on port decks three and nine.ogg
- Cortana/Over Megaphone/warning covenant boarders on starboards.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/acknowledged foehammer cortana out.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/acknowledged were on our way.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/affirmitive foehammer were ready for dust off approach when ready.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/alert covenant drop ships are inbound.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/captain hunters.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/captain we dont have much time we should.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to captain keyes.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 break off the door is closed.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 come in echo 419.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 foehammer relay the evac order.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 foehammer standby we werent able to rescue anyone here well call in when we need you.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 requesting extraction now.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 requesting reinforcements at our position.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 stay on station foehammer we have no survivors for pickup.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 the chief and i are topside requesting pickup.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 the shuttle bay door is open.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 two covenant banshees.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to echo 419 we have the captain and need.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team charlie.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team charlie the chief has the left flank covered.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team charlie this is cortana do you read.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team zullu.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team zullu ive sent a distress call.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to fire team zullu the tunnel is open.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to foehammer we need additional support troops.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/cortana to keyes.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/covenant forces detected up ahead.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/don't worry seargent we'll stay here until evac arrives.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/fifth platoon secure air locks.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/fire team zullu this is cortana.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/foehammer we need transportation to the command shuttle.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/foehammer we need you to disengage your warthog the master chief and i are going to see if we can save some survivors.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/get ready to move into support us seargent.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/give me a minute to interface with the ships controls.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/give them hell marine.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/got it the door is open everyone should move through now i cant get guarantee it wont.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/itll be easier to hold them off from inside.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/ive called for an evac.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/keep trying let me know when youve restablished.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/lets get moving foehammer here our coord.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/lock onto my signal and approach fast and low.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/look on the bright side foehammer the last thing the covenant.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/marines hold your positions.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/negative captain the covenant have impeded our progress.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/negative negative.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/negative team no evac available.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/now i see ive intercepted a number of messages.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/one moment sir accessing the covenant battle net.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/roger echo 419 this is fire team charlie is that you foehammer.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/roger foehammer stand by to evac survivors and transport them to safety.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/roger that well be able to find our way to the control center from here.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/security to the bridge the master chief has gone rampid take him down boys.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/sir dont argue please.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/standby marines ive called echo 419 for evac we should dust off shortly.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/thats it the drop ship is loose.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/thats the last of them.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/that was close marines stay with the captain.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/the covenant did a thermo-seismic scan.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/the covenant use a gravity lift to move troops.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/the enemy has captured captain keyes.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/the master chief and i need some back up can you spare a few men.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/the pillar of autumns engines are going critical.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/understood were on our way.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/wait a moment im going to access the covenant battle net.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we could use the side passages to find a way around.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we need to get to that tunnel marines.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we read you fire team zullu.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/were coming in too fast.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/were directly under the ship now.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/were going to look for the last lifeboat echo 419 good luck.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/were in ive got a good lock on the captains.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we should get moving.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we should move out liuetenant then we need your help on a rescue mission.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/we werent able to save any marines echo 419 stay on station until we call in.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/working on it.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/yes captain theres a covenant drop ship still docked.ogg
- Cortana/Over Radio/you two we could use a hand.ogg
- Cortana/Tag.txt
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