# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- French/bouvet_c1.wav
- French/bouvet_s1.wav
- French/bretagne_c1.wav
- French/bretagne_s1.wav
- French/citizen_c1.wav
- French/citizen_c2.wav
- French/citizen_d1.wav
- French/citizen_d2.wav
- French/citizen_s1.wav
- French/citizen_s2.wav
- French/civadvanced.wav
- French/civallyunderattack.wav
- French/civdepletedberries.wav
- French/civdepletedgold.wav
- French/civdepletedstone.wav
- French/civnofood.wav
- French/civnogold.wav
- French/civnopop.wav
- French/civnoresources.wav
- French/civnostone.wav
- French/civnowood.wav
- French/civunderattack.wav
- French/commtruck_c1.wav
- French/commtruck_s1.wav
- French/commtruck_s2.wav
- French/completeairport.wav
- French/completearmory.wav
- French/completebarracks.wav
- French/completedock.wav
- French/completefortress.wav
- French/completegranary.wav
- French/completepillbox.wav
- French/completesettlement.wav
- French/completesiege.wav
- French/completetank.wav
- French/completetower.wav
- French/completeuniversity.wav
- French/completewonder.wav
- French/d520_c1.wav
- French/d520_s1.wav
- French/fishing_c1.wav
- French/fishing_s1.wav
- French/flamethrower_c1.wav
- French/flamethrower_d1.wav
- French/flamethrower_d2.wav
- French/flamethrower_s1.wav
- French/flamethrower_s2.wav
- French/grenade_c1.wav
- French/grenade_d1.wav
- French/grenade_d2.wav
- French/grenade_s1.wav
- French/leo_c1.wav
- French/leo_s1.wav
- French/motorcycle_c1.wav
- French/motorcycle_s1.wav
- French/motorcycle_s2.wav
- French/poilu2_c1.wav
- French/poilu2_d1.wav
- French/poilu2_d2.wav
- French/poilu2_s1.wav
- French/poilu_c1.wav
- French/poilu_d1.wav
- French/poilu_d2.wav
- French/poilu_s1.wav
- French/renaultb1_c1.wav
- French/renaultb1_s1.wav
- French/renaultft17_c1.wav
- French/renaultft17_s1.wav
- French/saboteur_c1.wav
- French/saboteur_c2.wav
- French/saboteur_d1.wav
- French/saboteur_d2.wav
- French/saboteur_s1.wav
- French/saboteur_s2.wav
- French/spad_c1.wav
- French/spad_s1.wav
- French/submarine_c1.wav
- French/submarine_s1.wav
- French/transport_c1.wav
- French/transport_s1.wav
- French/voisin_c1.wav
- French/voisin_s1.wav
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