# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- Voice en/Aira_01.mp3
- Voice en/Aira_02.mp3
- Voice en/Aira_03.mp3
- Voice en/Airy_Bye1.mp3
- Voice en/Airy_Bye2.mp3
- Voice en/Airy_Greeting1.mp3
- Voice en/Airy_Greeting2.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_01.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_02.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_03.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_04.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_05.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_06.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_07.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_08.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_09.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_10.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_11.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_12.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_13.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_14.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_15.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_16.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_17.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_18.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_19.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_20.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_21.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_22.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_23.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_24.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_25.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_26.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_27.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_28.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_29.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_30.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_31.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_32.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_33.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_34.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_35.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_36.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_37.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_38.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_39.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_40.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_41.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_42.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_43.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_44.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_45.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_46.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_47.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_48.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_49.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_50.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_51.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_52.mp3
- Voice en/Amazon_53.mp3
- Voice en/Amienne_01.mp3
- Voice en/Amienne_02.mp3
- Voice en/Amienne_03.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ActionBreath1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ActionBreath2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ActionBreath3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_01.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_02.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_04.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_08.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_09.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_10.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_11.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_12.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Act_13.mp3
- Voice en/AM_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_DevilChange_Ingame.mp3
- Voice en/AM_DevilChange_PreGame.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Devil_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Angry1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Angry2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Angry3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Congratulate1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Congratulate2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Congratulate3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Cry1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Cry2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Cry3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Dance.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Denial1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Denial2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Denial3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Greet1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Greet2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Greet3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Happy1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Happy2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Happy3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Smile1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Smile2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Smile3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Surprise1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Surprise2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Emotion_Surprise3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Damage1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Damage2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Damage3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Damage4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_DamageCritical1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_DamageCritical2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_DamageCritical3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_DamageCritical4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Death1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Death2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Scream_Death3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout6.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout7.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout8.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout9.mp3
- Voice en/AM_Shout10.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ShoutLong2.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ShoutLong3.mp3
- Voice en/AM_ShoutLong4.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_BounceBlade_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_ChangeBlade_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_ChangeSpear_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_Concentration_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_DeadlyAxel_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_ElectricBomb_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_ElectricShock_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_HammeringShock_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_HurricaneSlash_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_InfinitePiercing_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_LightningHole_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_ShadowSlash_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_SlashBomb_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_SpinSlash_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/AM_SN_TornadoBoom_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/Athena_01.mp3
- Voice en/Athena_02.mp3
- Voice en/Auction_01.mp3
- Voice en/Auction_02.mp3
- Voice en/Auction_03.mp3
- Voice en/Auction_04.mp3
- Voice en/Avarix_01.mp3
- Voice en/Avarix_02.mp3
- Voice en/Avarix_03.mp3
- Voice en/Avarix_04.mp3
- Voice en/Avarix_05.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_01.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_02.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_03.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_04.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_05.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_06.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_08.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_09.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_10.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_11.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_12.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_13.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_14.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_15.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_16.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_17.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_18.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_19.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_bolton.mp3
- Voice en/Awakening_Roar.mp3
- Voice en/Bakerygirl_01.mp3
- Voice en/Bakerygirl_02.mp3
- Voice en/bank_01.mp3
- Voice en/bank_02.mp3
- Voice en/bank_03.mp3
- Voice en/Bared_01.mp3
- Voice en/Barvhetos_01.mp3
- Voice en/Barvhetos_02.mp3
- Voice en/Bfcommand_01.mp3
- Voice en/Bfsupply_01.mp3
- Voice en/Bfsupply_02.mp3
- Voice en/Blow_01.mp3
- Voice en/Bolten_01.mp3
- Voice en/Bolten_02.mp3
- Voice en/Bolten_03.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_Red_01.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_Red_02.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_Red_03.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_Red_04.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_Red_05.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_White_01.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_White_02.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_White_03.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_White_04.mp3
- Voice en/Boss_Royalseat_White_05.mp3
- Voice en/Brian_01.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_01.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_02.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_03.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_04.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_05.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_06.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_07.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_08.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_09.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_10.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_11.mp3
- Voice en/Captain_12.mp3
- Voice en/Carranza_01.mp3
- Voice en/Celest_01.mp3
- Voice en/Celest_02.mp3
- Voice en/Celest_03.mp3
- Voice en/Crendal_01.mp3
- Voice en/Dancer_01.mp3
- Voice en/Dancer_02.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_01.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_02.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_03.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_04.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_05.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_06.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_07.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_08.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_09.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_10.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_11.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_12.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_13.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_14.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_15.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_16.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_17.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_18.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_19.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_20.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_21.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_22.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_23.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_24.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_25.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_26.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_27.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_28.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_29.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_30.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_31.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_32.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_33.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_34.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_35.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_36.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_37.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_38.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_39.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_40.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_41.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_42.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_43.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_44.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_45.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_46.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_47.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_48.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_49.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_50.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_51.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_52.mp3
- Voice en/Darkknight_53.mp3
- Voice en/Dekaramihe_01.mp3
- Voice en/Dekaramihe_02.mp3
- Voice en/Dekaramihe_03.mp3
- Voice en/Dekaramihe_04.mp3
- Voice en/Dekaramihe_05.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_01.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_02.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_03.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_04.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_NPC_01.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_NPC_02.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_NPC_03.mp3
- Voice en/Denikalis_NPC_04.mp3
- Voice en/Dinesen_01.mp3
- Voice en/Dita_01.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ActionBreath1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ActionBreath2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ActionBreath3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_DashBreath.mp3
- Voice en/DK_DevilChange_InGame.mp3
- Voice en/DK_DevilChange_PreGame.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Devil_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Angry.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Congratulate.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Dance.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Denial.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Greet.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Happy.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Smile.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Emotion_Surprise.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Damage1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Damage2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Damage3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Damage4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Death1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Death2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Death3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Pain1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Pain2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Pain3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Scream_Pain4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout6.mp3
- Voice en/DK_Shout7.mp3
- Voice en/Dk_Shout8.mp3
- Voice en/Dk_Shout9.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ShoutLong2.mp3
- Voice en/DK_ShoutLong3.mp3
- Voice en/DK_SkillShout_WhirlWind1.mp3
- Voice en/DK_SkillShout_WhirlWind2.mp3
- Voice en/Dusk_01.mp3
- Voice en/Edurhad_01.mp3
- Voice en/Einsword_01.mp3
- Voice en/Einsword_02.mp3
- Voice en/Einsword_NPC_01.mp3
- Voice en/Einsword_NPC_02.mp3
- Voice en/Elika_01.mp3
- Voice en/Elika_02.mp3
- Voice en/Farrel_02.mp3
- Voice en/Farrel_03.mp3
- Voice en/Farrel_NPC_01.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Greeting_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Questoffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Questoffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Response.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManGeneral_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Bye_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Citizen_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Reponse.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Sentry_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatmanGreed_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Cheering.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Response.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatManVigor_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Greeting02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Questoffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Response.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Vendor_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatwomanChatty_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_BlackSmith_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Greeting_03.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Response.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanHappy_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Response.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/FatWomanNoble_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/Field_01.mp3
- Voice en/Field_02.mp3
- Voice en/Field_03.mp3
- Voice en/Field_04.mp3
- Voice en/Field_05.mp3
- Voice en/Field_06.mp3
- Voice en/Field_07.mp3
- Voice en/Field_09.mp3
- Voice en/Field_soldiers.mp3
- Voice en/Fluid_01.mp3
- Voice en/Freya_start_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/Gaiman_01.mp3
- Voice en/Galocen_01.mp3
- Voice en/Galocen_02.mp3
- Voice en/Galocen_03.mp3
- Voice en/Galocen_04.mp3
- Voice en/Galocen_05.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_01.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_02.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_03.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_04.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_05.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_06.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_07.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_08.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_09.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_10.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_11.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_12.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_13.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_14.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_15.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_16.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_17.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_18.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_19.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_20.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_21.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_22.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_23.mp3
- Voice en/Galy_24.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_BlackSmith1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_BlackSmith2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Bye1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Bye2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Bye3.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Bye4.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Citizen1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Citizen2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Greeting1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Greeting2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestCheck1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestCheck2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestCheck3.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestComplete1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestComplete2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestComplete3.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestOffer1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestOffer2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_QuestOffer3.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Response.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Vendor1.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Vendor2.mp3
- Voice en/Girl_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/Graham_01.mp3
- Voice en/Guildbank_01.mp3
- Voice en/Guildcreate_01.mp3
- Voice en/Guildmerchant_01.mp3
- Voice en/Hamblrock_01.mp3
- Voice en/Heathcliff_01.mp3
- Voice en/Heinkel_01.mp3
- Voice en/Heinkel_02.mp3
- Voice en/Heinkel_03.mp3
- Voice en/Heintz_01.mp3
- Voice en/Hellsvel_01.mp3
- Voice en/Hellsvel_02.mp3
- Voice en/Hellsvel_03.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_01.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_02.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_03.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_04.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_05.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_06.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_07.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_08.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_09.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_10.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_11.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_12.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_13.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_14.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_15.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_16.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_17.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_18.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_19.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_20.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_21.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_22.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_23.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_24.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_25.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_26.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_27.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_28.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_29.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_30.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_31.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_32.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_33.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_34.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_35.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_36.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_37.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_38.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_39.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_40.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_41.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_42.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_43.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_44.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_45.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_46.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_47.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_48.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_49.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_50.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_51.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_52.mp3
- Voice en/Hunter_53.mp3
- Voice en/Igor_01.mp3
- Voice en/Intro_Awakening_Spawn_AM.mp3
- Voice en/Intro_Awakening_Spawn_DK.mp3
- Voice en/Intro_Awakening_Spawn_MA.mp3
- Voice en/Intro_Awakening_Spawn_SH.mp3
- Voice en/Intro_Awakening_Spawn_ST.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_01.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_02.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_03.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_04.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_05.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_06.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_07.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_08.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_09.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_10.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_11.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_12.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_13.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_14.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_15.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_16.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_17.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_18.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_19.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_20.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_21.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_22.mp3
- Voice en/Jill_23.mp3
- Voice en/Kailithon_01.mp3
- Voice en/Kailithon_02.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_01.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_02.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_03.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_04.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_05.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_06.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_07.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_08.mp3
- Voice en/Kairan_09.mp3
- Voice en/Kalbrans_01.mp3
- Voice en/Keras_01.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_01.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_02.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_03.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_04.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_05.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_06.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_07.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_08.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_09.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_10.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_11.mp3
- Voice en/Knight_12.mp3
- Voice en/Lancart_01.mp3
- Voice en/LavaTirano_01.mp3
- Voice en/LavaTirano_02.mp3
- Voice en/LavaTirano_03.mp3
- Voice en/Lemageton_01.mp3
- Voice en/Lemageton_02.mp3
- Voice en/Lemageton_03.mp3
- Voice en/Lemageton_04.mp3
- Voice en/Lemageton_05.mp3
- Voice en/Loardperez_01.mp3
- Voice en/Loardperez_02.mp3
- Voice en/Localtoken_01.mp3
- Voice en/Localtoken_02.mp3
- Voice en/Loveman_01.mp3
- Voice en/Loverlady_01.mp3
- Voice en/Magcor_01.mp3
- Voice en/Magcor_02.mp3
- Voice en/Magcor_03.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_01.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_02.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_03.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_04.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_05.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_06.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_07.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_08.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_09.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_10.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_11.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_12.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_13.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_14.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_15.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_16.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_17.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_18.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_19.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_20.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_21.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_22.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_23.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_24.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_25.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_26.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_27.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_28.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_29.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_30.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_31.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_32.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_33.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_34.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_35.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_36.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_37.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_38.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_39.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_40.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_41.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_42.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_43.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_44.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_45.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_46.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_47.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_48.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_49.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_50.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_51.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_52.mp3
- Voice en/Magician_53.mp3
- Voice en/Marion_01.mp3
- Voice en/Marion_02.mp3
- Voice en/MarlicEvil_01.mp3
- Voice en/MarlicEvil_02.mp3
- Voice en/Maybin_01.mp3
- Voice en/Maybin_02.mp3
- Voice en/Maybin_03.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ActionBreath1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ActionBreath2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ActionBreath3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_DevilChange_InGame.mp3
- Voice en/MA_DevilChange_PreGame.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Devil_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Angry.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Congratulate.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Dance.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Denial.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Greet.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Happy.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Smile.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Emotion_Surprise.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Damage1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Damage2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Damage3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Damage4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_DamageCritical1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_DamageCritical2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_DamageCritical3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_DamageCritical4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Death1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Death2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Scream_Death3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout6.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout7.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout8.mp3
- Voice en/MA_Shout9.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ShoutLong2.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ShoutLong3.mp3
- Voice en/MA_ShoutLong4.mp3
- Voice en/MA_TeleportBreath.mp3
- Voice en/Merchantarmor_01.mp3
- Voice en/Merchantarmor_02.mp3
- Voice en/Milia_01.mp3
- Voice en/Milia_02.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_01.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_02.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_03.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_05.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_06.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_07.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_08.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_09.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_10.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_11.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_12.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_13.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_14.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_15.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_16.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_17.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_18.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_19.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_20.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_21.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_22.mp3
- Voice en/Militant_23.mp3
- Voice en/Mount_01.mp3
- Voice en/Mount_02.mp3
- Voice en/Mount_03.mp3
- Voice en/Nana_Bye1.mp3
- Voice en/Nana_Bye2.mp3
- Voice en/Nana_Greeting1.mp3
- Voice en/Nana_Greeting2.mp3
- Voice en/Narian_01.mp3
- Voice en/Nefario_01.mp3
- Voice en/Nefario_02.mp3
- Voice en/Nefario_03.mp3
- Voice en/Nightmare_01.mp3
- Voice en/Nightmare_02.mp3
- Voice en/Nightmare_03.mp3
- Voice en/Nightmare_04.mp3
- Voice en/Nightmare_05.mp3
- Voice en/Ninelif_01.mp3
- Voice en/Ninelif_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_14.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_15.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_16.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_17.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_18.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_19.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_20.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_21.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_22.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_23.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_24.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_25.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_26.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_ANGER_27.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_14.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_15.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_17.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_18.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_19.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_20.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_21.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_24.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_25.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Burns_26.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_CapitalGuard_14.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Charanza_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Charanza_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Charanza_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Charanza_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Charanza_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_14.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_15.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_16.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_17.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_18.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_19.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_20.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_21.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_22.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_23.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_24.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Crank_25.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Guard_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_05.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_06.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_07.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_08.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_09.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_10.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_11.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_12.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_13.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_14.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_15.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_16.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_17.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_18.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_19.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_20.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_21.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_22.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_23.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_24.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Holland_25.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_00.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_01.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_02.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_03.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_04.mp3
- Voice en/NPC_Soldier_05.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Response.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManFunny_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Response.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldManSad_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Citizen_03.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Reponse.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Sentry_03.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/OldmanWise_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/Ordhos_01.mp3
- Voice en/Ordhos_02.mp3
- Voice en/Priest_01.mp3
- Voice en/Priest_02.mp3
- Voice en/Priya_01.mp3
- Voice en/Priya_02.mp3
- Voice en/Priya_03.mp3
- Voice en/Priya_04.mp3
- Voice en/Priya_05.mp3
- Voice en/Pugnus_01.mp3
- Voice en/Pugnus_02.mp3
- Voice en/Pugnus_NPC_01.mp3
- Voice en/Pujolar_01.mp3
- Voice en/Pukale_01.mp3
- Voice en/Pusclot_01.mp3
- Voice en/Pusclot_02.mp3
- Voice en/Racros_01.mp3
- Voice en/Randal_01.mp3
- Voice en/Randal_02.mp3
- Voice en/Rant_01.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_01.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_02.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_03.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_04.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_05.mp3
- Voice en/RDDenikalis_06.mp3
- Voice en/Reaper_01.mp3
- Voice en/Reaper_02.mp3
- Voice en/Reaper_03.mp3
- Voice en/Reonharts_01.mp3
- Voice en/Reporter_01.mp3
- Voice en/Rosanna_01.mp3
- Voice en/Rosspherona_01.mp3
- Voice en/Rosspherona_02.mp3
- Voice en/Rosspherona_03.mp3
- Voice en/Seline_01.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_01.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_02.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_03.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_04.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_05.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_06.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_07.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_08.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_09.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_10.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_11.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_12.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_13.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_14.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_15.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_16.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_17.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_18.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_19.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_20.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_21.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_22.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_23.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_24.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_25.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_26.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_27.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_28.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_29.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_30.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_31.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_32.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_33.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_34.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_35.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_36.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_37.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_38.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_39.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_40.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_41.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_42.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_43.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_44.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_45.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_46.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_47.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_48.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_49.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_50.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_51.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_52.mp3
- Voice en/ShadowHunter_53.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ActionBreath1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ActionBreath2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ActionBreath3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_DevilChange_InGame.mp3
- Voice en/SH_DevilChange_PreGame.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Devil_VanishP.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Angry.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Congratulate.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Dance.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Denial.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Greet.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Happy.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Smile.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Emotion_Surprise.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Damage1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Damage2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Damage3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Damage4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Death1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Death2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Death3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Pain1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Pain2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Pain3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Scream_Pain4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout6.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout7.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout8.mp3
- Voice en/SH_Shout9.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ShoutLong2.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ShoutLong3.mp3
- Voice en/SH_ShoutLong4.mp3
- Voice en/SH_VaultBreath.mp3
- Voice en/Sodcrona_01.mp3
- Voice en/Sodcrona_02.mp3
- Voice en/Sodcrona_03.mp3
- Voice en/Store_01.mp3
- Voice en/Store_02.mp3
- Voice en/Store_03.mp3
- Voice en/Store_04.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_01.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_02.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_03.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_04.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_05.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_06.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_07.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_08.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_09.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_10.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_12.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_13.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_15.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_17.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_18.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_Freya_Voice.mp3
- Voice en/StrangeShrine_Malic_Shout.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ActionBreath1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ActionBreath_Happy.mp3
- Voice en/ST_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_AttackGrunt3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_AttackGrunt4.mp3
- Voice en/ST_DevilChange_Ingame.mp3
- Voice en/ST_DevilChange_PreGame.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_AttackGrunt1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_AttackGrunt2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_FastMoveP.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Devil_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Angry.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Congratulate.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Dance.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Denial.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Greet.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Happy.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Smile.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Emotion_Surprise.mp3
- Voice en/ST_HopBreath.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Damage1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Damage2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Damage3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Damage4.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Death1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Death2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Death3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Pain1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Pain2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Pain3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Scream_Pain4.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout4.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout5.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout6.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout7.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout8.mp3
- Voice en/ST_Shout9.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ShoutLong1.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ShoutLong2.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ShoutLong3.mp3
- Voice en/ST_ShoutLong4.mp3
- Voice en/Tempus_01.mp3
- Voice en/Tempus_02.mp3
- Voice en/Terje_01.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_01.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_02.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_03.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_04.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_05.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_06.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_07.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_08.mp3
- Voice en/Thotames_09.mp3
- Voice en/Tiamat_01.mp3
- Voice en/Tiamat_02.mp3
- Voice en/Tiamat_03.mp3
- Voice en/Torkill_01.mp3
- Voice en/Trayvon_01.mp3
- Voice en/Trayvon_02.mp3
- Voice en/Victor_01.mp3
- Voice en/Walter_01.mp3
- Voice en/Wibers_01.mp3
- Voice en/Wibers_02.mp3
- Voice en/Winchester_01.mp3
- Voice en/Winchester_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_01.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_04.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_05.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_06.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_07.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_08.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_09.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_10.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_11.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_12.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_13.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_14.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_15.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_16.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_17.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_18.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_19.mp3
- Voice en/YoungCoward_20.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Citizen_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Response.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManBrave_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Blacksmith_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Bye_04.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Bye_07.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Check.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Check_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Check_04.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Reponse.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Scentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Scentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManFaithful_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Bye_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Bye_04.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Greeting_04.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Response.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungManKind_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Blacksmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Blacksmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_response.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanHigh_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestComplete_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Response.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanKind_Worry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_BlackSmith.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_BlackSmith_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_BlackSmith_03.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Bye.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Bye_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Cheer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Citizen.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Citizen_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Cry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Greeting.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Greeting_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Laugh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Moan.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestCheck.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestCheck_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestComplete.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestComplete_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestOffer.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_QuestOffer_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Response.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Scare.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Scream.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Sentry.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Sentry_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Sigh.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Sob.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Vendor.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Vendor_02.mp3
- Voice en/YoungWomanLow_Worry.mp3

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