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Zip Contents

- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/band_stretch1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/band_stretch2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/band_stretch3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/band_stretch4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/band_stretch5.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/click.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/croak1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/croak2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/croak3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/croak4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/dive1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/dive2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/fish_flee.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/flasher.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/gull1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/gull2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/hi_exert1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/hi_exert2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/low_o2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/menu_loop.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/non_shrimp_loop.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/null_shot.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/rollover.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/shrimp_loop.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_falls1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_falls2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_firing1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_firing2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_firing3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_firing4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_hit_coral.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_hit_fish1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_hit_fish2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/spear_hit_sand.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/strum1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/strum2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/strum3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/strum4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surface_loop.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surface_swim.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surface_wave1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surface_wave2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surfacing1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/surfacing2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/swb.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/swimming.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave5.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave6.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/wave7.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/whale1.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/whale2.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/whale3.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/whale4.wav
- Body Glove's Bluewater Hunter/whale5.wav

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