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But anyway, while it's not a particularly big update since it was kinda done on such short notice, I'm not gonna let the site go two months without updates. So here's what we've got, brought to you by the following users: Cavan Ashton, clturtle, Fuley-la-joo, GameBoy2936, Haku-Shinigami, K1rbYat1Na, Landon & Emma, lemurboy12, MatiasNTRM, MewFake, Mradamluigi, MufasaKong, Mysticus, Puffy-the-Destroyer, samurai goroh, Sandmanfan, semiceki, Shiruba, TheGmodNugget, Weed666942, and whoever that Random Talking Bush guy is. Never see him around for some reason.
For those with submissions still in the queue, I want to thank you for being patient with us for all this time. Sorry that things have been slower than molasses, we know the queue's still pretty dang backlogged right now and we'll be doing what we can in the upcoming months, weather permitting. See you next month, hopefully!