Zip Contents

- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Scratch0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Scratch1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_StomachShake.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice2_Short.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice3_Short.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice4_Short.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Blobfish/PassengerB_Voice5.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing2.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing3.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing4.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Deep-Sea Jellyfish/PassengerA_Swing5.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_CellPhoneBeep_oneshot00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_CellPhoneBeep_oneshot01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_CellPhoneCall.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_CellPhoneCallMannerMode.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_Hair00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_Hair01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_Voice00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_Voice01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_Voice02.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_VoiceThink00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_VoiceThink01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerH_VoiceThink02.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_2.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_3.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_4.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_5.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Flashlight Fish/PassengerI_CellPhone_6.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_SnoreExhale00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_SnoreInhale00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_Voice00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_Voice01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_Voice02.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_VoiceW00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_VoiceW01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Gulper Eels/PassengerJ_VoiceW02.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_BookDown0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_BookDown1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_BookUp0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_BookUp1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_Sigh0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_Sigh1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_Snore0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_Snore1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_SnorePause0.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_SnorePause1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Longsnout Dogfish/PassengerC_SnorePause2.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special04.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special06.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special07.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special08.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special09.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Ping-Pong Tree Sponges/PassengerF_Special10.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special02.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special03.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special04.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Predatory Tunicates/PassengerD_Special05.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_2.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_3.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_4.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_5.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_CellPhone_6.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_HeartBeat.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_HeartBeat1.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_HeartBeat3.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Sea Angels/PassengerI_HeartBeat4.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Siphonophores/PassengerG_Special00.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Siphonophores/PassengerG_Special01.wav
- Nintendo Switch - Splatoon 2 - Denizens of the Deep/Siphonophores/PassengerG_Special02.wav
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