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Nintendo Switch Online
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Category Nintendo Switch
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Nintendo Switch Online
Nintendo Switch Online
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Sep 2, 2023, 10:40 PM
why is this comment section surprisingly toxic?
Jul 29, 2023, 9:58 AM
To be fair this online service is dog sh*t. Imagine playing Splatoon for the first time, only to be hit in the face with a paywall. Thanks Nintendo, my $300 Console with my $80 Controllers, with my $70 Pro Controller with my $60 Game now I have to pay $20 a year just to play with strangers. Also I have to PAY to upload my SAVE DATA TO THE CLOUD?! THATS ROBBERY! I dont buy digital games, im more of a physical guy but at any moment my Switch decides to commit suicide on me, all my save data i haven't backed up is GONE with no way to restore it without paying this stupid premium. Backing up your save data is VITAL and Nintendo is putting that behind a paywall... I remember the DS or 3DS, all your save data was put on the CATRIDGE not into the system, why cant we have that with the Switch? Or better yet, The Wii U offered cloud backup through a USB STICK!! I'd rather use a stick or a memory card or the CARTRIDGE than having to pay for cloud service. Good job Nintendo, you lost a supporter (The company not the developers) S rank indeed.

Whats worse is the stupid expansion pack!!! Why do I have to shell out an extra 20 dollarie-doos for a cheap emulator for old retro games that Nintendo hates people emulating themselves. And also Nintendo takes forever to even update this expansion pack! Theres not enough good games! It took them 4 YEARS to add N64 games to the NSO membership, and who in gods name asked for Sega Genesis games, I'm sure nobody did. Id rather be playing SEGA genesis classics on Steam, an even then Steam doesnt pay for online service which just entices me to play them. I was hoping they would add oh i dont know, GameCube games? Wii Games? Wii U games, GameBoy games? No! Nintendo is just adding content whether they feel like it, which is bogus becuase people want to play childhood games on the go!

Look I can agree its bogus Nintendo is charging us to play online now, which is wh im ressurecting my old cupboard Wii, but at the same time its kinda worth it if you only want the online part like me, for everything else its really not worth the extra money.
Jul 17, 2023, 8:10 AM
@TheofficialICL I like NSO more for online in general, but I would take the emulators for granted, (also the price says it's $42 a year for the expansion pack?)
Jun 25, 2022, 10:52 AM
i uZed 2 pLaE iK nD itZ gUd.

@ilovescratchcie saying NSO is good is just like saying "Don't take me seriously, I'm a doof"
May 26, 2022, 3:07 AM
I used to play it and it's good.
May 24, 2022, 10:54 AM
Why would I waste $60 dollars a month for earth-shatteringly rancid emulators when I can emulate all of the games for free?

@ilovescratchcie just because it's official doesn't mean it's good. In fact, these emulators run worse than what the fans make
May 21, 2022, 6:46 PM
It is a official emulator
May 21, 2022, 6:46 PM
You should
May 21, 2022, 12:10 PM
I hate this Online System, and I don't want to pay and buy a membership for wasting my money....
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