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Fire Emblem Warriors
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Category Nintendo Switch
Sounds 92
Hits 126,615
Comments 13
Fire Emblem Warriors
Fire Emblem Warriors
Battle Cut-In
Battle Dialogue (Anna - Cordelia)
Battle Dialogue (Corrin (F) - Gharnef)
Battle Dialogue (Great Knight - Lucina)
Battle Dialogue (Lucina (Masked) - Navarre)
Battle Dialogue (Niles - Rowan)
Battle Dialogue (Ryoma - Villager 2)
Battle Dialogue (Villager 3 - Xander)
Battle Grunts
Chapter-Specific Battle Dialogue (Chapter 11 - Chapter 21)
Chapter-Specific Battle Dialogue (Prologue - Chapter 10)
History Mode Dialogue
Intermission Dialogue
Status Updates
Support Conversations (Anna and Caeda - Camilla and Sakura)
Support Conversations (Celica and Corrin (F) - Cordelia and Sakura)
Support Conversations (Corrin (F) and Frederick - Frederick and Hinoka)
Support Conversations (Frederick and Leo - Lyn and Marth)
Support Conversations (Lyn and Robin (F) (Robin's Lines) - Takumi and Xander)
System Voice
Japanese Voices
JPN Battle Cut-In
JPN Battle Dialogue (Anna - Cordelia)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Corrin (F) - Gharnef)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Great Knight - Lucina)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Lucina (Masked) - Navarre)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Niles - Rowan)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Ryoma - Villager 2)
JPN Battle Dialogue (Villager 3 - Xander)
JPN Battle Grunts
JPN Chapter-Specific Battle Dialogue (Chapter 12 - Chapter 21)
JPN Chapter-Specific Battle Dialogue (Prologue - Chapter 11)
JPN History Mode Dialogue
JPN Intermission Dialogue
JPN Status Updates
JPN Support Conversations (Anna and Caeda - Caeda and Marth)
JPN Support Conversations (Caeda and Tiki - Chrom and Lyn)
JPN Support Conversations (Chrom and Marth - Corrin (F) and Tiki)
JPN Support Conversations (Corrin (F) and Xander - Frederick and Leo)
JPN Support Conversations (Frederick and Lucina - Lissa and Takumi)
JPN Support Conversations (Lissa and Xander - Robin (F) and Tiki)
JPN Support Conversations (Robin (F) and Xander -Takumi and Xander)
JPN System Voice
Awakening Voices
Awakening DLC Battle Cut-In
Awakening DLC Battle Dialogue (Azura - Minerva)
Awakening DLC Battle Dialogue (Olivia - Tharja)
Awakening DLC Battle Grunts
Awakening DLC History Mode Dialogue
Awakening DLC Status Updates
Awakening DLC Support Conversations (Azura and Olivia - Lissa and Owain)
Awakening DLC Support Conversations (Minerva and Olivia - Robin (M) and Tharja)
Awakening DLC System Voice
Awakening Japanese Voices
Awakening DLC JPN Battle Cut-In
Awakening DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Azura - Minerva)
Awakening DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Olivia - Tharja)
Awakening DLC JPN Battle Grunts
Awakening DLC JPN History Mode Dialogue
Awakening DLC JPN Status Updates
Awakening DLC JPN Support Conversations (Azura and Olivia - Lissa and Owain)
Awakening DLC JPN Support Conversations (Minerva and Olivia - Robin (M) and Tharja)
Awakening DLC JPN System Voice
Fates Voices
Fates DLC Battle Cut-In
Fates DLC Battle Dialogue (Azura - Marth)
Fates DLC Battle Dialogue (Niles - Xander)
Fates DLC Battle Grunts
Fates DLC History Mode Dialogue
Fates DLC Status Updates
Fates DLC Support Conversations
Fates DLC System Voice
Fates Japanese Voices
Fates DLC JPN Battle Cut-In
Fates DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Azura - Marth)
Fates DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Niles - Xander)
Fates DLC JPN Battle Grunts
Fates DLC JPN History Mode Dialogue
Fates DLC JPN Status Updates
Fates DLC JPN Support Conversations
Fates DLC JPN System Voice
Shadow Dragon Voices
Shadow Dragon DLC Battle Cut-In
Shadow Dragon DLC Battle Dialogue (Azura - Linde)
Shadow Dragon DLC Battle Dialogue (Marth - Sakura)
Shadow Dragon DLC Battle Grunts
Shadow Dragon DLC History Mode Dialogue
Shadow Dragon DLC Status Updates
Shadow Dragon DLC Support Conversations
Shadow Dragon DLC System Voice
Shadow Dragon Japanese Voices
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Battle Cut-In
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Azura - Linde)
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Battle Dialogue (Marth - Sakura)
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Battle Grunts
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN History Mode Dialogue
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Status Updates
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN Support Conversations
Shadow Dragon DLC JPN System Voice
Console Genre Developers
Nintendo Switch Action RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Sep 28, 2020, 9:46 AM
May I use this voices for my Dead or Alive 6 mods?
Sep 28, 2018, 10:05 PM
I've been waiting for this. Thank you so much!
Edit: Great to see this update so far! I hope we'll get some sound effects soon once you're ready.
Sep 28, 2018, 9:29 PM
if anyone wants to look at all the extracted things (grunts, japanese voices, dlc)
(lol Toynota10 I forgot there are threads like this)
Sep 28, 2018, 9:14 PM
Wow, thanks! If you wanna make these public, feel free since you worked so hard to get these! It was pretty cool that you got these as fast as you did when you didn't have too. Thank you.
Sep 28, 2018, 9:10 PM
PM-ed the three of you.
Sep 27, 2018, 3:44 PM
I'm glad Fire Emblem Warriors has gotten some good voice links so far. I'm new here, by the way,
And I don't mean to be rude, but I am waiting patiently, too. It's just that I don't see any grunts yet.
Sep 13, 2018, 3:51 PM
Grunts submitted. Heck yeah.
Sep 1, 2018, 9:02 AM
Well if they'll be here someday, I'll wait. Not like the game would've made it easy anyway, huh?
Aug 31, 2018, 1:08 PM
I have all the DLC voice content (eng and jpn) converted and labeled. Uploading that right now as well as getting the japanese voice content for the base game converted / labeled. Might drop a fileshare here after the work is done.
Aug 31, 2018, 6:11 AM
Where are the Japanese voice clips?
Aug 30, 2018, 11:36 PM
No-go for grunts (for now).
Aug 30, 2018, 1:52 PM
Maybe. Going through DLC voice data first today.
Aug 30, 2018, 1:39 PM
Are battle grunts going to be added as well?
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