# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Zip Contents

- Rise of the Triad/A_BURNED.wav
- Rise of the Triad/A_GIBSPL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/A_OOF.wav
- Rise of the Triad/A_SKELTN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/A_SQUISH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/A_THUMP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_1SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_2SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_PLEA2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_PLEA3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_PLEAD.wav
- Rise of the Triad/BL_STEAL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_BADSW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_BONBAR.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_EXPFLO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_EXPLOD.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_GASEND.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_GASHIS.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_GASMSK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_GLASS.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_HITWAL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_ITMBRK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_NOTOUC.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_NOWAY.wav
- Rise of the Triad/C_TOUCHP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_HIDE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_SAY1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_SAY2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_SAY3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DA_WARN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_CHARG.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_FIRE1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_FIRE2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_FIRE3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_FIRE4.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_FLOAT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_SAY1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_SAY2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_SAY3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/DM_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/D_CLOSE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/D_DRHIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/D_OPEN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/EN_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/EN_FIRE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/EN_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/EN_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/EN_THROW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_BIGEMP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_BOULRL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_BOULST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_CYLIN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_ELEVEN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_ELEVST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_EMPFIR.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_EMPUP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_FBALHT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_FBALL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_FCHUTE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_FJET.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_PITFAL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_PWALL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_SPEAR.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_SPINBL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_SPRING.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_THUND2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_TWALL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_WALHIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_WALL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/E_WIND7.wav
- Rise of the Triad/FM_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/FM_FIRE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/FM_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/FM_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_1UP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_3UP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_100PCT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_AAVEST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_ABVEST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_AMASK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_BAT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_COOK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_END.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_ENDB1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_HEAD.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_HEAL1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_HEAL3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_KEY.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_KNIFE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_LIFE2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_NOBONU.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_OVER.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_PDOG.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_PELAST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_PFLEET.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_PGOD.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_PSHROO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_START.wav
- Rise of the Triad/G_WEAPON.wav
- Rise of the Triad/HG_1SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/HG_2SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/HG_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/HG_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_DROP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_MIHIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_MINE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_MOTOR.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_SAY1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_SAY2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_SAY3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/KR_TURN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_1BOO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_1DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_1SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_1SEE3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_1SEEA.wav
- Rise of the Triad/LG_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/MO_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/MO_DRAIN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/MO_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/MO_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_ESC.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_FLIP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_INFO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_MOVE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_NOPE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_QUEST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_SELECT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/M_WARNIN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/NM_APART.wav
- Rise of the Triad/NM_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/NM_UFO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/N_SPAWN2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/OP_1SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/OP_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/OP_FNET.wav
- Rise of the Triad/OP_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_A2PIST.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_AGOD.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_AMP40.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_APISTL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BATBLA.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BATBOU.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BATHIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BATSWI.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BATUP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BAZOOK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_BURNED.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_COUGHF.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_COUGHM.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGBIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGBLA.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGBRK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGLIK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGMAN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGPAN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGPRP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DOGWOM.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DRUNK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DWDIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DW_OW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_DYING.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_FIREBM.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_FIREHT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_FWALL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_FWFIRE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GOD1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GOD2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GOD3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GODMAN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GODWOM.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GRAVFI.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GRAVGO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GRAVHT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_GRAVUP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_HEATSK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_IPDIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_IPF.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_IP_OW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_LAND.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_LN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_LNDIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_LN_OW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_LOSE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_MERFLY.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_MISFLY.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_MISHIT.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_NETFAL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_NETWIG.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_PLAYSP.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_RICOC1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_RICOC2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_RICOCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_SELWPN.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_SPLITS.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_SPMSLF.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TB.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TBDIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TB_OW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TC.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TCDIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/P_TC_OW.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_CAROFF.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_CYANI.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_ECHAIR.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_FIRING.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_GUILL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_PLUG.wav
- Rise of the Triad/Q_TRAPDO.wav
- Rise of the Triad/RO_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/RO_FIRE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/RO_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SE_DFISH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SE_SILES.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SE_SILMV.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SE_SILSL.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SE_USUCK.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_CHARG.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_FIRE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_READY.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_SAY1.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_SAY2.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_SAY3.wav
- Rise of the Triad/SN_SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/ST_1SEE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/ST_DIE.wav
- Rise of the Triad/ST_OUCH.wav
- Rise of the Triad/ST_ROLL.wav

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