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- Caleb/(Falling scream).WAV
- Caleb/(Gasp).WAV
- Caleb/(Jump).WAV
- Caleb/(Screams in agony).WAV
- Caleb/(Sigh) 1.WAV
- Caleb/(Sigh) 2.WAV
- Caleb/(Sigh) 3.WAV
- Caleb/(Sigh) 4.WAV
- Caleb/(Slurps) Aah.WAV
- Caleb/(Slurps) Ah. Better than Kool-Aid.WAV
- Caleb/(Slurps) Mmm. This is better than Kool-Aid.WAV
- Caleb/(Sniff) Ah, home, sweet home.WAV
- Caleb/1008.WAV
- Caleb/1055.WAV
- Caleb/1084.WAV
- Caleb/2112.WAV
- Caleb/3013.WAV
- Caleb/3025.WAV
- Caleb/3031.WAV
- Caleb/3033.WAV
- Caleb/Ah, it's stuck.WAV
- Caleb/Ah, it burns! (Screams in agony).WAV
- Caleb/Ah, the suffering. The sweet suffering.WAV
- Caleb/All I want's a friend.WAV
- Caleb/Along came a spider sat down beside her and said: 'What's in the bowl, bitch?.WAV
- Caleb/Amateurs.WAV
- Caleb/Are you just gonna stand there and bleed?.WAV
- Caleb/Arf.WAV
- Caleb/Ay, she-bitch. Let's go.WAV
- Caleb/Boo-hoo, when's the hurting stop?.WAV
- Caleb/Come out, come out, wherever you are.WAV
- Caleb/Ding dong, the bitch is dead!.WAV
- Caleb/Don't play it again, Sam.WAV
- Caleb/Don't waste my time.WAV
- Caleb/Do these blow up into funny shapes?.WAV
- Caleb/Down the hatch.WAV
- Caleb/End of the line.WAV
- Caleb/Everybody loves somebody sometime... Not me, baby.WAV
- Caleb/Fool, you're already dead!.WAV
- Caleb/Fresh meat.WAV
- Caleb/Get off my train.WAV
- Caleb/Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.WAV
- Caleb/Good, doggy. Play dead.WAV
- Caleb/Grave robbers!.WAV
- Caleb/Help, help, I'm being repressed!.WAV
- Caleb/Here's... Johnny!.WAV
- Caleb/Here's not looking at you, kid.WAV
- Caleb/Hmm. Elevator's busted.WAV
- Caleb/Hmm. I bet I could transplant the brain of a dog into the body of a marketing manager. But what'd be the point?.WAV
- Caleb/How much is that doggy in the window? Burf, burf.WAV
- Caleb/I'm gonna have to put you down.WAV
- Caleb/I'm gonna paint the town red.WAV
- Caleb/I'm here to donate some blood. Someone else's.WAV
- Caleb/I'm not dead... Yet.WAV
- Caleb/I've got a present for ya.WAV
- Caleb/I've got two guns. That should be enough for all of you.WAV
- Caleb/I've got you... Under my skin... Yeah.WAV
- Caleb/I did it. My way.WAV
- Caleb/I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies, Miss Scarlett!.WAV
- Caleb/If you're blue and you don't know where to, go to, hm, hm... Puttin' on the ritz.WAV
- Caleb/I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all, but I get a kick outta you.WAV
- Caleb/I got time to play with YOU.WAV
- Caleb/I hate mimes.WAV
- Caleb/I have a bad feeling about this.WAV
- Caleb/I have something for you.WAV
- Caleb/I like my hands bloody.WAV
- Caleb/I live... Again!.WAV
- Caleb/I LOVE the smell of napalm in the morning.WAV
- Caleb/I must stop this train.WAV
- Caleb/I need a key.WAV
- Caleb/I smell varmint poontang.WAV
- Caleb/I sure could use a drink.WAV
- Caleb/It's all in the reflexes.WAV
- Caleb/It's a long way to Tipperary. It's a long way.WAV
- Caleb/It burns! (Screams in agony).WAV
- Caleb/I want JoJo! I want JoJo! JoJo! JOJO!.WAV
- Caleb/I want some more.WAV
- Caleb/Lamps to the slaughter.WAV
- Caleb/Leftovers.WAV
- Caleb/Locked.WAV
- Caleb/Looks like my train's coming.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm, is that gasoline I smell?.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm, no power.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm, rat burgers!.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm, yummy. Fresh meat.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm, yummy.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm. Fresh victims for the ever growing army of the undead.WAV
- Caleb/Mmm. This looks extraordinarily bad.WAV
- Caleb/MO1.WAV
- Caleb/Nevermore.WAV
- Caleb/Night, night.WAV
- Caleb/No one wants to play with me.WAV
- Caleb/Not for long.WAV
- Caleb/Now, kids. Don't try this at home. He he he he he.WAV
- Caleb/On the good ship Lollipop.. Da da da.. Damn, forgot the words.WAV
- Caleb/Ooh, I won it, I won I won I won, I won!.WAV
- Caleb/Ooh, shake it, baby.WAV
- Caleb/Ooh, that wasn't a bit nice.WAV
- Caleb/Ooh, what a wonderful smell I've discovered.WAV
- Caleb/Open for business.WAV
- Caleb/Ophelia! Nooo!.WAV
- Caleb/Out, out, damned spot!.WAV
- Caleb/Over the lips, through the gums, look out to me, here I come.WAV
- Caleb/Pathetic insects.WAV
- Caleb/Pay attention, son, this is for your own good.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1100.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1101.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1102.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1103.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1104.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1105.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1106.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1107.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1108.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1109.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1110.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1111.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1112.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1113.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1114.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1115.WAV
- Caleb/PLAY1116.WAV
- Caleb/Rest in pieces.WAV
- Caleb/Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.WAV
- Caleb/Run, run!.WAV
- Caleb/Show yourself! 1.WAV
- Caleb/Show yourself! 2.WAV
- Caleb/Sleep, Ophelia.WAV
- Caleb/Somewhere.. Over the rainbow..WAV
- Caleb/Son of a bitch must pay.WAV
- Caleb/Strangers in the night... Exchanging glances.WAV
- Caleb/Ta-da-da, that's all, folks.WAV
- Caleb/Ta da!.WAV
- Caleb/Take it, please.WAV
- Caleb/That'll teach ya.WAV
- Caleb/There's no business like show business like.WAV
- Caleb/The sun will come out... Tomorrow.WAV
- Caleb/They'll need a lot more of these 1.WAV
- Caleb/They'll need a lot more of these 2.WAV
- Caleb/They're all dead, they just don't know it yet.WAV
- Caleb/This is my boomstick.WAV
- Caleb/Ugh. I'm not THAT hungry.WAV
- Caleb/Victims. Aren't we all?.WAV
- Caleb/What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?.WAV
- Caleb/When does the hurting stop? 1.WAV
- Caleb/When does the hurting stop? 2.WAV
- Caleb/Whoa, what the hell did that do?.WAV
- Caleb/Who wants some, huh? Who's next?.WAV
- Caleb/Woah! Oh. Just me.WAV
- Caleb/Woah, wrong door.WAV
- Caleb/Wow, this promises to be fun!.WAV
- Caleb/Yeah. Single white female.WAV
- Caleb/You're going to need a bigger boat.WAV
- Caleb/You have to have faith for that to work.WAV
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