# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
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Category PC / Computer
Sounds 63
Hits 38,233
Comments 0
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Various Sound Effects
Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner
Basketball Player Guy (Episode 1)
Bubs (Episode 1)
The Cheat (Episode 1)
Cheerleader (Episode 1)
Coach Z (Episode 1)
Drive-Thru Whale (Episode 1)
Homestar Runner (Episode 1)
Homsar (Episode 1)
The King of Town (Episode 1)
Marshie (Episode 1)
Marzipan (Episode 1)
Miscellaneous Teen Girl Squad Voices (Episode 1)
Miscellaneous Voices (Episode 1)
The Mole People (Episode 1)
The Mole Queen (Episode 1)
Pom-Pom (Episode 1)
So-and-So (Episode 1)
Strong Bad (Episode 1) (1 / 3)
Strong Bad (Episode 1) (2 / 3)
Strong Bad (Episode 1) (3 / 3)
Strong Mad (Episode 1)
Strong Sad (Episode 1)
The Ugly One (Episode 1)
What's Her Face (Episode 1)
Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free
Announcer (Episode 2)
Bubs (Episode 2)
The Cheat (Episode 2)
Cheerleader (Episode 2)
Clockwork Strong Bad (Episode 2)
Coach Z (Episode 2)
Drive-Thru Whale (Episode 2)
Homestar Runner (Episode 2)
Homsar (Episode 2)
The King of Town (Episode 2)
Marzipan (Episode 2)
Miscellaneous Cave Girl Squad Voices (Episode 2)
Miscellaneous Voices (Episode 2)
Mysterious Bush (Episode 2)
Pom-Pom (Episode 2)
So-and-So (Episode 2)
Strong Bad (Episode 2) (1 / 3)
Strong Bad (Episode 2) (2 / 3)
Strong Bad (Episode 2) (3 / 3)
Strong Mad (Episode 2)
Strong Sad (Episode 2)
Tuning Fork (Episode 2)
The Ugly One (Episode 2)
What's Her Face (Episode 2)
Episode 4: Dangeresque 3
Senor Cardgage (Episode 4)
Episode 5: 8-Bit is Enough
Browntant (Episode 5)
Bubs (Episode 5)
Chorch (Episode 5)
Coach Z (Episode 5)
Copy Protection (Episode 5)
Gel-Arshie (Episode 5)
Inn Keeper (Episode 5)
King of Town (Episode 5)
Marizpan (Episode 5)
Rather Dashing (Episode 5)
Stinkoman (Episode 5)
Strong Mad (Episode 5)
Strong Sad (Episode 5)
Console Genre Developers
PC / Computer Adventure Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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